The Calm Before

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(Y/n's POV)

Sans teleported me somewhere, which is my favorite place. Waterfall! We went by the bridge, and there was a glowing cyan brook below. It has our reflection on it. There were trees by the side, glistening with great wonder.

"...Sigh, I feel like I like it in here. It's so peaceful...!" I said

"heh, yeah... i could also relate with your statement..." Sans said

"No wonder why they call this place Waterfall?" I asked myself

"the king named this place. he's really bad at naming anything..." he answered for me, and I chuckled.

We went silent for a while, listening to the sounds of crickets, and wind blowing. My hair flowing in the calm, and cold air, presumably coming from Snowdin. This sense of tranquil is calming the both of us from the tension.

"so, teach... let's continue the date right here, without anyone ruining it. it was just... a little bit awkward when we went to the restaurant..." he said, scratching the back of his skull, grinning shyly. I can't help but laugh

"Alright..." I looked at Sans in the eyes.

"so, let's begin by knowing each other more. you can... dismiss my questions whether it felt personal to you." he said, and I nodded. 

"so... what's... going on with your family?" He asked the first question. That's easy to answer.

"I have my dad, my mom, and my long lost sister Frisk. Family of four. We live by the Surface, and we used to visit Mt. Ebott. We could travel via a car, bus, or a van perhaps." I narrated, and he nodded

"And... about this soul that I had." I showed my soul. It left my chest, and it hovered within my hands. It was a blue-purple and upside-down soul. Sans was staring at it in awe.

"It was... a bit strange because... it looked like this for a reason." I said, and Sans nodded with care.

"okay. so, i'll ask the next question..." he said, and I nodded

"what do you think? of my brother...?" He said. 

"About your brother, Papyrus? He's nice, and sometimes funny. He's also very... let's say, innocent? Overall, he's a cool guy." I said or... punned, and he laughed

"yeah, my brother's really cool." he said

"And, I just confused about why he always wears his... 'costume'? Isn't he gonna take a bath while wearing it?" I asked, confused

"oh yeah, about that... a few months ago... we had a costume party by the town, so... he keeps calling it his 'battle body.' and, yes he's wearing it while taking a shower." He answered. I was getting more confused than often

"How is this happening? Are the laws of physics fooling me?" I mumbled, and Sans just shrugged.

We kept on talking until he's on unto the last two questions. It was like 13 questions asked to me. He seems really curious.

"ok, second to last question..." Sans said

"Alright... ask away." I said

"what are you planning to do whenever you... can go out into the surface?" Sans asked. That one was a bit deep... to be honest...

"I... I'm not sure about that. I'm hoping you could get out of here too. But, for now... I've absolutely had no idea." I said. He looked a bit surprised by this answer

"uh... ok, so... going to the last question?" He asked

"Yup, carry on." I said

"how do you... umm..." He hesitated to ask me the last one. I looked at him still

"A-alright... you can do it." I said

"how do you- know that you wanted to... be with me...?" He asked, blushing blue. I flushed red when I heard this question. That one was way deeper than the last question.

"I-i..." I tried finding my words, but... the question is too hard for me to try and answer it, and he might... he might mean it the wrong way and...

"I tried to be honest with myself... but, I-i can't seem to find my words for that question." I admitted

"But... I do... like you. I don't think looks and outside personalities don't matter, but... as long as you're doing good." I said.

"I may not look like a certain human, or even... felt like them before, but... that can't stop me from feeling love and trust towards the person I love since we've met..." I continued, and I felt my soul pulse. 

"so... you've trusted me long enough?" he asked. With such integrity, I nodded as a 'yes' and Sans blushed bluer this time. I laughed

"wow... your answers... they, personally fit you, you know. with such integrity and... perseverance. like your soul." Sans said, and I looked into my soul. 

"I try..." I said, and we both looked into the navy blue sky. It was glimmering with brightness. I... decided to tell him the mere truth about Tristan, but... I feel this isn't the right time. Out of my consciousness, I told him about Tristan.

"Uhm, hey... baby blue...?" I call him, and he looked.

"About Tristan..." I started

"hmm? what about it?" He looked a bit worried. As I was about to say my next word, we heard a rustle of grass. Thinking it was either Flowey or Beatrix, I hid behind Sans. Sans was looking rather serious and stood himself tall, ready for something to happen

But, I now recognize the way of rustling. I felt familiar with the way the person was hiding. He's trying not make a sound, so he could do a sneak attack. And, now I really know who really is.

"Sans... don't attempt to shout. If you do, you're gonna get hurt." I whispered, and he looked at me confused.

We heard a glimmer of light by the grass. We both got shocked at this sudden act. We try to figure out where he went. And I quickly saw that the person was behind Sans, about to strike a blow at his back.

"SANS! LOOK OUT!" I shouted, and the person groaned at my loud voice. He looked behind him and put out his hand to manipulate their soul. The person froze. I gasped at his sight.

"who are you, and what do you want?" Sans spoke in a deep and eerie tone. The person chuckled in response, it was a male's voice.

"You sure are protective over (Y/n), huh? So stupid." He chuckled darkly. I had the urge to scream him out of his ears, but I chose not to. He looked at me after

"Hmm, going to say something sweetheart~?" He asked

"Shut up." I said in anger. This was the first time I cursed at him. I can't take this anger for him anymore. Sans looks at me surprised, he's still taking ahold for Tristan

"You heard me, I don't like you, Tristan. And I never will!" I said

"Your words won't stop me. Whatever you say, I'll never leave you." He spat back. I gritted my teeth in hatred. I slapped him

"hey, teach. let's just go." Sans held my hand and teleported.

~ Chapter End ~

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