Gym-"Nasty" Fanatic

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(Y/n's POV)

"ALRIGHT, AND ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!" Undyne shouted as we're doing our 'warm-up'

"WITH PASSION YOU GUYS, WITH PASSION!!" Undyne shouted even more, we continued our tiring warm-up until we lay there on the floor.

"uff, d**n undyne, that's fast...!" Sans complained

"Sans, what have I told you about swearing?!" I scolded him, and the rest burst out laughing while Sans looked at me in disbelief.

"You're being such a mom, (Y/n)." Undyne joked, and I shrugged like what Sans always do.

"I try to be, in a good way..." I said

"And, I hold like almost 25 children in my music class, so... yeah, not bragging." I said doing an 'okay sign' with a palm facing outwards, Undyne and Sans stood there shocked.

"wow, teach, i didn't believe that you hold so many children..." Sans said, surprised

"Yup, but... I could manage to take care of them at least." I said

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY HOLDING CHILDREN? ARE YOU MARRIED?" I got shocked when he asked the second question

"What, no Papyrus *laugh*! I'm not married, I'm barely the same age as Sans." I said, laughing, and Papyrus rubbed his skull in embarrassment

"But you and Sans are going to marry in the future sometime!" Frisk said, smiling

"No! I'll marry Sansy in the future than that rat!!" A familiar voice shouted behind us. Oh no

"Uh, Frisk? Was that you?" Undyne asked, confused

"No! I'd never say something like that." Frisk retorted

"ah, fudge... here we go again..." Sans mumbled

"Sansy! Remember me?" Beatrix said, shouting with glee while looking at Sans.

"wait... who are you again?" he 'asked'

"Ugh... Beatrix. Bee-Ah-Tricks!" She said

"uh huh, and... you're getting in our exercise routine, so i'd ask nicely to please get out of here." he said

"No! I won't. I'll stay here with you!" She exclaimed

"look kid, i'm telling you. i don't wanna hurt your feelings, but... i don't really want to date you." He said, and Beatrix appeared distraught

"W-what do you mean you don't wanna date me?" She asked... with a sad look

"i'm sorry kid, but i'm already in a relationship with someone." He said

"What do you mean you're in a relationship?" She said, her tears about to fall

"kid, our relationship doesn't matter. you can't just break up someone's relationship when he's already in one. and i'm sorry, for hurting your feelings." Sans said and he pointed at me, and she started growling in anger

"That woman!?" She screamed

"Beatrix, fighting over this isn't the solution!" I shouted

"No! You're breaking our relationship with my Sansy! He's the one I love, and he's love me too!!" She retorted

"But, can you imagine that... loving him, but he's not returning the feeling...? He saying the truth, child." I said

"But... it's never too late. You can find another one. May it be like him or not... but it's never too late." I said, and I walked towards her to lend her a hand. Sans looked at me with worry.

Ms. Teach (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now