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Kaida sat on one of the many chairs in Sturmhond's office. Her leg jumping up and down, her calloused hands subconsciously fidgeting with each other. Her left knuckle was slightly bruised from punching Ivan, but it was nothing compared to what she's endured in the past. She was certain Sturmhond was going to be mad at her for hitting the Darkling's best heartrender in the face when he specifically told the crew to avoid any trouble. 

The doors to the office swung open with a creak, Sturmhond came in heaving a sigh. Kaida looked up at him expressionless and stopped moving her leg as well as fiddling with her hands. 

"Are you okay?" Sturmhond asked tentatively looking between her knuckle to her face.

"I'm fine," Kaida responded.

Sturmhond walked over to the chair across Kaida, resting his whole weight on the top, "I've been told that when people say they're fine, they're really screaming for help."

"Well then, I'm fabulous."

"You definitely are," Sturmhond winked.

Kaida scowled and kept quiet. 

Sturmhond sighed, "I want to apologise for earlier. You were uncomfortable but I didn't-"

"Why'd you ask me to wait for you in here?"

Sturmhond paused for a moment, "Originally, I just wanted to check how you were and apologise, but something interesting has come to my attention."

Kaida lifted an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. 

"What's your real name?"


"You heard me, what's your real name?"

"My name's Kalista."

"Alina and Mal seem to say otherwise," Sturmhond furrowed his brows, "They told me that your name's Kaida, not Kalista. They met you in Kribirsk working for the First Army." 

Kaida looked straight into his eyes, "You believe two people you just met instead of me who's worked for you for half a year?" 

"Their reaction was too genuine to have been a lie," he replied keeping his gaze on her. 

She shrugged, "It doesn't matter if you know my real name or not." 

"It matters a great deal! If you're hiding your name then how do I know if you're being honest about other things? You may be working for the Darkling for all I know." 

"Why in the world would I work for that scum?" 

"I don't know, maybe for power, recognition, safety like half of the country?" 

"I don't need any of those things," Kaida relaxed in her chair, crossing her arms. 

Sturmhond glared at her for the first time, his cheeks turned scarlet and his hair disheveled from running his hand through it. "Please, I want to trust you. I won't ask for a tale of your past, I just want to know if Alina and Mal are speaking the truth," he pleaded, his eyes softening. 

Kaida brought her chin up, "Tell me your name first." 

Sturmhond tilted his face, "My name's Sturmhond." 

She smirked at him, "That's a title, not a name." 

"I can't tell you who I really am right now, I'd get us all into a lot of trouble." 

"Well unfortunately for you, I can't reveal who I really am either, for my own sake." She stood up and strutted out of the office taking in the freezing fresh sea water. 

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