The Battle

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The next morning, Nikolai was on the eastern terrace taking weather readings, meanwhile Mal's team including Kaida was set to depart within the hour and was only waiting for the all clear. 

Alina came walking toward them with her hood up as there were a few flakes flowing down. 

"How does everything look?" she asked, handing Nikolai a glass of tea. 

Kaida looked away. She couldn't bear to look at the two after what happened between Nikolai and herself. After sharing their first kiss and the meteor shower ended, she stayed with Nikolai for the night. Cuddling and stealing kisses. The sleep was peaceful with no memories flooding in her dreams of Him. 

The night ended though, like all things and she had to sneak out his room so nobody would suspect anything between the two. 

"Not bad," Nikolai replied. "Gusts are mild, and the pressure's holding steady. They may have it rough through the mountains, but it shouldn't be anything the Bittern can't handle." 

The door opened behind them, and Mal and Tamar stepped out onto the terrace. They were dressed in peasant clothes, fur hats, and sturdy wool coats the same as Kaida. 

"Are we a go?" Tamar asked. She was trying to seem calm, but Kaida could hear the barely leashed excitement in her voice. Behind her, Nadia's face was pressed against the glass, awaiting the verdict.

Nikolai nodded. "You're a go." 

Tamar's grin was blinding. She managed a restrained bow, then turned to Nadia and gave her the signal. Nadia whooped and broke into something between a seizure and a dance. 

Nikolai laughed. "If only she'd show a little enthusiasm." 

"Be safe," Alina said as she embraced Tamar and Kaida. 

"Take care of Tolya for me," Tamar replied. Then she whispered, "We left the cobalt lace in your trunk. Wear that tonight." 

Kaida laughed as Alina rolled her eyes and gave them a shove. Then she faced Mal to say her goodbye. 

Nikolai gazed at Kaida, telepathically saying goodbye and stay safe. 

"We'll be on our way as soon as the Kingfisher returns. I expect to see you all safe and whole in one week's time," Nikolai said, "and packing some all-powerful bird bones." 

Mal bowed. "Saints' speed, moi tsarevich."

Nikolai offered his hand and they shook. "Good luck, Oretsev. Find the firebird, and when this is over, I'll see you well rewarded. A farmhouse in Udova. A dacha near the city. Whatever you want." 

"I don't need any of that. Just..." He dropped Nikolai's hand and looked away. "Deserve her." 

Never before could she understand someone's despair as much as she did now. Mal and herself were going through the same thing where they loved someone but had no way of being with them. The first reason being that the people they loved were getting married, but also they weren't meant for the world that they lived in. Mal and Kaida weren't fit for the royal world, they were the peasants, the ones who worked hard and didn't get any recognition nor credit. 

He hastened back into the Spinning Wheel with Tamar and Kaida following suit. 

As they were talking to Nadia and Harshaw, they heard Alina scream. 

Bursting through the door, Kaida realised that Nikolai was gone and there were nichevo'ya every where. Mal lunged across the distance and seized Alina around the waist, yanking her back down. She twisted, arms moving in an arc, sending a blaze of light burning through the nichevo'ya that had hold of her. It wavered and exploded into nothing. 

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