C47 - Revelation

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The battle between Sizhui and evil deity continued to bring fear and tremors in the mountain. The three souls continued to create the barrier formation. As their spiritual energy started to weaken, the three souls are gradually dissipating to causing fear and worry to their family. Fortunately, there were no corpses and arrows attacking them already but they are still wary.

Sizhui used his zither to blocked every attack but those weren't enough. As another ball of fire was thrown to him, he used his spiritual energy to create a bow and five arrows, targeting the deity he was fighting.

'I need to make him use his evil power. I won't be able to call Rin An's attention if he keep on using the resentful energy he absorbed from those souls.' Sizhui told himself. He was told by Min Jin before about the deity of life, one of the protector of the mortal world. If he was able to call her, he would have the chance to win. The condition he had with the Jade Empress was no human should interfere but Rin An is a deity. A powerful deity.

"You should surrender now, Shen Dizi. Those souls will dissipate and die  once again if they pushed themselves to their limit."

Sizhui appeared near the protective barrier. "Recover your spiritual energy. I will buy more time until I can make her appear."

Wen Qing, "What are you planning to do, A-Yuan?"

"Sizhui, you need to be careful. If you purified more resentful energy, your temporary body might be affected."

Sizhui wasn't scared about it. His temporary body was created from his ashes. It won't die easily unless–Sizhui was stunned to see a spherical smoke coming towards him. But that was just temporary. The thing that he's been waiting, the evil deity finally used his evil energy. He crossed his arms to block the attack but since it was an evil energy, he was thrown to ground, creating a massive explosion.

"A-Yuan!" Jin Ling shouted as he saw that Sizhui was having a hard time standing.

The eyes of the evil deity glowed as he sensed something on the two. "Hahahahaha...how cruel! Ni Ai fated you to a human! Worst of all was a man. This is so unexpected."

"I am the one you're fighting. Do not touch these humans!"

"Oh don't worry. I won't touch them. I'm only gonna touch this fated one of yours!" The evil deity appeared outside the barrier causing a great shock to the cultivators. He grabbed Jin Ling's collar and appeared infront of Sizhui who was still trying to stand properly.


"Jin Ling!"

"Don't touch my son!" Jin Zixuan yelled.

"You damn, filthy idiot. Let go of me." Jin Ling tried to get away from his tight grip.

"Do you know what it means to be fated with a deity?" The evil deity asked him with a smirk on his face. "If you die, his human body will die too."

"Nonsense! I don't hold his life."

"Hahahahaha...I can't believe you don't know. If a deity had a human body, the only way to kill him is to kill his fated one. Now, is there anyone who wanted this boy to die? Does anyone of you contempt this Shen Dizi? I am giving you the chance to kill him with your own hands! Once you killed him, he won't be able to show himself anywhere in this world again because good deities are not supposed to show theirselves to humans. Am I right, Shen Dizi?"

The revelation caused whispers among the cultivators. Sizhui, when he was still alive, was known for his gentleness and exceptional talent. He did not stepped nor hurt anyone. He always look at the goodness of a person before he judges. He was always careful with his opinion and if he mistakenly give wrong judgement or opinion, he will sincerely apologize and take responsibility. However, the disciples who witness his rage in the Golden Pavilion at Koi Tower brought fears to them and the son of the Sect Elder who almost got killed was there too.

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