C57 - Serenity Room 1

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"Young master Wen! Good to see you back! Young master Liu just got back and we prepared a feast for tonight."

A middle-aged man greeted them as they entered the small residential of Liu Village. Came with him are bunch of childrens aged seven to twelve who immediately gathered around Wen Yang. The sky was growing dark but the surrounding within the village was very bright due to the lanterns that illuminates the street.

"Senior Fu, please help me provide accomodation for my seniors and friends. I'll go and meet brother."

"Leave it to me, Young Master." Senior Fu turned to the kids. "Childrens, go and finish your projects."

"Okay." The kids saluted at them respectfully then they ran somewhere.

Senior Fu, "Please follow me."

Wei Wuxian caressed his chin. "I didn't know Wen Yang has a brother."

Senior Fu, "Oh, they are not actually brothers. Young master Liu Hei is the late Master Liu's brother so they are actually uncle and nephew but Young Master Liu was only five years older than Young Master Wen. The two treated each other more like brothers."

Jin Ling, "Isn't that the adopted father of Wen Yang is kind of old?"

Senior Fu answered, "Yes. The Liu family since their predecessors, they always had a hard time bearing children so their generation decided to get married at an early age. Young Master Liu was miraculously conceived after 21 years."


Senior Fu, "But the only Liu family left now is him since Young Master Wen decided to rebuilt his clan back."

"You were definitely shock back then." Wei Wuxian commented.

Senior Fu, "Well, when Young Master decided to reveal the truth, some of the village people wss kind of afraid but those who serve Master Liu for a long time already knew. That includes me. Late Master Liu never intended to hide the truth to Young Master Wen. When he is old enough to understand things, he told him the truth about his identity and allowed him to cultivate. When Young Master Wen found out about the man they called Wen Ning, he travelled every mountain to look for him."

Jingyi, "I see. So their meeting was not actually a coincidence. Wen Yang really look for Senior Wen."

Senior Fu, "Young Master Wen knew that the branch family of Wen Clan are best doctors. His birth father was Late Master Liu's friend. They are of almost the same age but their expertise in medicine are way too different. Master Wen shared him everything he knew which he also passed down to their son, Young Master Wen. However, Late Master Liu and Late Lady Liu met such unfortunate accident while travelling back."

Wei Wuxian, "Have you been serving the Liu Family for a long time?"

Senior Fu, "I started serving them when I was fifteen. Late Master Liu bought my freedom from my previous masters. I have nowhere to go so I stayed and vowed to take care of Young Master Wen until I can." Senior Fu stopped walking when they reached a chamber. He opened it and turned his head to Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji. "We are here on the first guest chamber. Young Masters, please rest here. There are liquors inside. Drink to your heart's content but allow me to invite you to the feast the village prepared. The kids prepared some entertainment."

Wei Wuxian smiled at him. "Sure, why not? We'll join you."

Senior Fu, "We'll leave you two now so you can rest. The feast will start at 7pm. I will personally call you later."

"Okay. Thank you, Sir Fu.'

Senior Fu left Sizhui and Jin Ling in another room five meters away from the other room then Jingyi occupied the next room which is also five meters away. The village was small in the outside but the Liu Residence was quite wide. There are ten guest chambers and each of them was five meters away from each other. It was three minutes walk from the entrance of the residence to the first guest chamber. The inside of the chambers are quite simple but elegant. Jingyi, as he was sent last. The way suddenly changed.

"Where are we going, Sir Fu?"

The middle-aged mad knitted in his brows in confusion. "I don't know why but Young Master Wen specifically told me to send you to the Serenity Room."

Jingyi questioned. "Serenity Room?"

Senior Fu, "Yes."

Jingyi, "What kind of room is that?"

Senior Fu smiled awkwardly. "Young Master Wen told me not to tell you. But don't worry, the serenity room is a safe haven of Young Master Wen. He maybe just wanted you to see something there."

Jingyi begun to curse Wen Yang in his mind. Thinking that he was tricking him again. "Is there anything I should see inside that room?"

Senior Fu, "My apologies, Young Master but the only people allowed inside the serenity room are the family members. Young Master Wen personally maintain the cleanliness of that room."

Jingyi didn't ask anymore question but after arriving in the said room, he was in awe as he stared at it. It was so...so...


Damn sissy!

'What the hell Wen Yang wanted me to see here?'

The room's motiff was a mixture of light blue and pink. There is a wooden bed in the middle however, the bed was almost not seen as it was covered with silk fabric. There are paintings and calligraphies in the wall. The aroma of fresh flowers lingered in the room.

"Do you like it?" Wen Yang hugged him at his back just as he entered the room.

Jingyi tried to removed the hands that was wrapped around his waist but Wen Yang made it tighter. "Why sending me here?"

"This is your room in Liu Village."

"Are you crazy? Can't you see how it was designed for who? It was obviously for a girl."

"I know. It was my A-Niang who designed and fixed this for my future wife." Wen Yang pulled Jingyi to the bed to seat. It was fluffy as if they were sitting on the cloud.

Jingyi frowned, "If its for your future wife, why bringing me here?"

"You will be my wife."

"I'm a man, you idiot! Don't you ever think that fucking me meant I'll marry you. That will never happen!"

"Of course, you will." Wen Yang pushed him to the bed and pressed his body. Jingyi stop resisting, he averted his gaze and tried to change the topic.

Jingyi, "The people in the village are surely shock when they found out your true identity. Do you think it was really a good idea to tell them?"

Wen Yang, "It was not good to let the truth to stay hidden, right? They'll find it anyways so it would be better to hear it from me than from the others."

In a low tone, Jingyi voice out his worries. "But it was still dangerous."

Wen Yang was stunned a bit. His lips curved upward as his eyes glinted in happiness. He stole a quick peck and said, "I'm happy."

Jingyi raised his brows. "Why?"

The small smiled turned big. Wen Yang cling to him. "Because my Yi-gege is worried for me."

Jingyi hissed. "I'm worried about Senior Wen and Ms. Wen. Who said I'm worried about you? You're not the only Wen."

"Yi-gege, just admit it. Don't worry, I'll make sure to please you tonight." Wen Yang boldly whispered to him as he gave him a wink.

Jingyi, "Shut up. I won't let you fuck me again."

Wen Yang, "Yi-gege, if you keep turning me down, the more I wanted to pin you down. And please stop using that word. We are not just fucking, we are making love."

Jingyi looked at him horrifyingly. "Are you dreaming? Since when did it became making love?"

Wen Yang had a refreshing smile on his face. Even though Jingyi keeps on talking tough to him, he knew that it was all just a front. "Yi-gege, why don't you just break that wall of yours in your heart and fall for me?"

Jingyi looked away as if he have not heard anything. Wen Yang just smiled. He stood from the bed and pulled Jingyi.

"Let's go. I want you to meet my brother."

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