back to minny

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Maybe this was a mistake. I should have called. Im not mad anymore. I just miss him. I came home with cali, and all she could talk about was him.
I should write about our fights in ny journal, but i figure its for my past and cali. Not my boyfriend being an ass... Okay he was mad, thats fine. Im okay, but i just hate letting him off that easy.
I feel weak. I forgot my phone at home, it was dead.
He opened the door, shirtless. He was hung over. He always plays with his necklace and smiles more when he is... But hes also being giggly and flirty and... Oh hes still a bit tipsy.
"you got my text?" he whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.
"no?" i said, confused.
"come in then." he said. He smelled like booze. Great.
He wasnt a heavy drinker, unless we fought. He didnt drink without me unless we fought.
"michale, michale!!! I went to school and my teacher thinks minny is pretty. He wanted to get dinner with her!!!" she said, excitedly. Not knowing she could have just set off a bomb.
"go play with jinx outside." i said gently, trying to get her out.
"okay" she said with a smile. Jinx is her imaginary friend.
"you look hot" he slurred a bit, trying to be sexy.
Yeah, he wants a bit more when hes drunk, but he is still respectful.
"i am hot, thank you!" i teased, looking into his eyes.
"Im gonna go make you coffee. Go lay back down." i said, trying to keep him contained. I wanted to keep him from cali. I trust him completely, but it was my turn with him and i just wanted a few minutes of privacy.
As i turned around, about to start the pot of coffee, he was standing there, watching me. He made my world stop and had no idea. He chuckled at me, watching me as i observed his body.
"Wanna touch it?" he asked, referring to his abbs.
"if i wanted to, i would have" i replied quickly, snapping him in the butt with a towel.
"how much did you drink last night? I asked, knowing shots were about 1.50 a piece.
"40 dollars ish." he replied, trying to keep his head up.
"... Come here." i whispered, not quite sure what i was going to do when he got here.
"gladly" he said in a low, sweet voice, trying to sound attractive.
"i missed you. I wished you were there to snuggle with me." i whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"me too baby" he cooed, trying to stay quiet.
"who were you drinkin with?" i asked, trying to start conversation more than anything.
"No one, but i gave a friend a ride home."
"im glad you came.home safely. Your sleeping with me, k?"
"k" he responded, sounding like a prepy girl.
"your eyes.are so... Gorgeous" he whispered, picking me up and setting me on the counter.
"this is where you belong" he said, smiling.
"in the kitchen?" i asked, feigning offense at that remark.
"with me. Anywhere with me."
He kissed me, hard. Making me stop, wondering where he was planning on going with this. When hes drunk, he tries things he usually wouldnt do.
Like clock work, he started slipping my tshirt off. I wanted to so badly let him, but i knew what matered to me, and sex was below many things, Marriage deffinately being one of them.
I stopped him.
"id better check on cali. Make sure she is okay" i said, trying to blow it off as nothing.
I walked upstairs to check on cali to find her asleep on a couch, snoring gently. "she could pass for our own almost."
Michale whispered, startling me a bit as he wrapped his arms around my waist and swayed back and forth with me.
"do you wish she was?" i asked softly,thinking he hasn't heard because of the awkwardly silent pause.
"wether blood or not,shes my baby sister. I always wanted one. My brothers drove me crazy. That will never change,and always be enough for me."
He's perfect sometimes, even when he was drunk and shirtless.
"i love you baby girl, you know that right?"
"as far as i know" i joked, looking into his beautiful green eyes.
"she looks so peaceful, but she needs to be woken.up or she will be wired at bed time." i told michale softly, staring at his lips.
He kissed me, and i wrapped my arms around his neck, smiling into his kiss, which made him laugh too.
He tasted like whiskey and mint... Bad combo.
"you need to brush your teeth!!!" i chocked out, giggling.
"you taste like liquor and gum!"
"breakfast of Champions" he hollered on his way to the bathroom.
"I'll wake her up" he added through his toothbrush.
"okay, ill go start on that coffee" i said, wrapping my cold hands around his middle, making him shiver.
"Rude"he said, trying to ignore me.
"fine, i see how it is." i said, trying to have an attitude as i Walked out.
"no you don't" he whispered,picking me up and running down stairs.
"say it." he whispered in my ear,tickling me with his beard.
"never" i said defiantly.
"SAY it" he whispered with mock anger.
" Fine, fine. You are more gorgeous." i said, laughing.
A little something i had said when I was drunk... He is a pretty man, what can i say.
"I'll go wake up cali." he said,meaning it this time.
"okay baby" i smiled,watching him walk away in the jeans he had worn to bed.
"His butis cute" I thought, staring a bit.
He is just all around cute.
Being mad at him worked for a while, but i cant expect him to keep his cool all the time. It just caught me off guard. He just doesn't like the guy who almost broke my eye socket is all. I get it, but I expected him to this me. Then again, jason beat the crap out of me for almost nothing so... I understand.
I hear giggles up stairs...wonder what those two are Taking about.

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