the question

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"Here we go... I hope she says yes"
"relax, she loves you. You guys are perfect. Take her to diner, and then show her how much you care" said john smoothly. Easy for him to say, hes not the one doing the job.
"there" he said, finishing my hair cut. I had it close cut on the sides and a bit longer on top, the way she liked it when it wasnt long.
"thanks so much man" i said, grabbing him and hugging him.
John was my older brother, and although i half expected him to give me a speech about how lucky i was and how out of my league she was, he just hugged back. A rare occasion for us to "hug" it was weird. But it helped a bit."no problem" he said, laughing a bit. "go get em tiger" he winked, trying to make me feel more confident... It didnt work.
Shit, flowers... I need to grab flowers.
Okay, i can get them from dahlias. She's doing the.books tonight, she will still be open.
I ran out, making my way to my truck. I remember so many good.times we had working on and being in this truck.
She said i love you for the first time in this truck. We were in the tailgate, staring at the stars, and she thought i was asleep. It was the cutest, sweetest thing she has ever done.
She crawled up close, and whispered it quietly, laying down and falling asleep on my chest.
It took everything in me not to say it back, but i knew she had meant for me not to hear. Gotta respect that. I knew she would tell me when she was ready ready. Now i kissed her every night and told her how much i love her. She still doesnt understand how much, either.
Tulips now, she has her favorite flowers waiting for later, but tulips were her moms favorite.
So what? Im a boyfriend who pays attention, sue me.
They are perfect. Orange and yellow and red, just perfect.
Ugh i cant stop shaking. Gotta get my nerves under control. The funny thing is, she could make my heart quiet, or make it stop with just one look.
Here goes... Everything.

She opens the door and am awe struck. She looks so gorgeous... So beautiful... So much like her dad, in a girl version. Her dad would have been a beautiful girl. Not gay, just saying.
"Crap, your staring michale... Stop staring... Stop staring!!!" i yelled at myself mentally, but i couldnt. She wore the necklace i had given to her when we first went out. It was a birthday gift.
And i take it back, her nose piercing is cute. It makes her look even more beautiful.
So this is the heart stopping look i was talking about...
"you look... Perfect" i sputtered, trying to put into words the way i was feeling... I cant explain how, but i know now, she is as good as it gets, and somehow she ended up with me. Lucky me:)
Okay, skipping past my struggle so speak to the goddess standing in front of me.
We got into the car, and i couldnt I know she worked hard on her makeup, but no one could resist kissing those soft perfect lips. She looked so much more... Fragile, less tough. I kissed her softly to save her makeup a bit. She'd be pissed if i messed up, especially one she found out what was going on.
But she'd forgive me, soooo...
No, not now. Gotta keep it soft and sweet, not hard and horndogish.
I turned on my speaker and my phone, watching her light up when crazy train came on. Most girls needed diamonds to be that happy, but she just needed a truck, good music,and me. But i will give her so much more. I promise.
Two house of driving and i could hardly keep my eyes on the road...if we crash, its because of her being so damn beautiful.
Diner, i forgot for a second. We won't be home until about midnight... Perfect.
I got out of the car, running to open her door.
She's wearing heels... Why is she so fu... Fricken hot? Trying to stop using that word.
They sat us down, and she looked up at the ceiling. It was completely glass, and you could see the stars, so amazingly beautiful tonight.
"this is so amazing!" she said with excitement.
I swear, she never complains... Not with conviction.
She whines when shes playing, but other than that, she is happy for everything she gets.
She deserves a night like this.
"The view is breath taking!" she said with a smile, still staring at the stars.
"it really is" i said back... To be honest, i was so busy staring at her, i hadnt even noticed.
The waitor, jeff, came to our table.
"you look lovely this evening" he said with a smile, obviously refering to my girlfriend...
"Thank you, my boyfriend decided to treat me like a princess tonight, and i thought he deserved a good view" she said, winking at me.
"mission accomplished" the waitor said honestly, taking our orders.
I got pizza, she got a burger and fries... Somehow, she managed to eat what made her happy, and keep that body... I have no idea how she does it.
"remember our first date?" she asked, laughing.
"oh, sadly, yes." i said laughing.
Our first date hadnt gone quite to plan. We had gone out to eat, only to find the diner had closed, went to another, which was closed, went to KFC, bought a bucket of chicken and drinks, and ended up under the stars instead. Then my truck died, and she not me fixed it. Then i fell, splitting my head open, and a she had to take me to the hospital... Yeah, it was sorta rough.
"dont be like that." she giggled, remembering with a smile.
"you were so sweet" she said, trying to fit the burger in her mouth, which was a bit big... But she managed, almosy choking on it.
She was adorable when she struggled.
No, you fixed my car AND drove me to the hospital. You're the sweet one." i said, making my point.
"you needed to go to the hospital because i fell and u fell trying to help. My fault that you fell." she said, being bull headed as usual.
"and i wouldnt change a damn thing" i said, settling the matter once and for all.
She tends to be difficult.
She smiled, blushing as she took a drink of her diet pepsi.
Her cheeks were very high up, and she was obviously indian. I loved that.
Her face was uniquely beautiful on every way. Her big brown doe eyes, her little nose, her soft small lips, her forehead, her elf ears, her long neck, everything. She was just... Different, in the best way. I hope she says yes. I want this.

We started driving home, screaming out "headstrong" while i drove, still fighting to watch the road. She had taken off her heels and had her toes hanging out the window with her hair back in my baseball cap. This was heaven to me.
She looked suprised when we pulled up to the stadium, just the look i had hoped for.
I led her to the closest level of the bleachers, and went out on the field.
I started shaking a bit, there were more people than i had expected... But i could only see her. Here it goes... Dont screw it up.
The music started playing, and i began to sing...
"when i was your age, id give anything.
To fall in love once was all i could think.
Thats when met your mother, the girl of my dreams.
Now im telling you this because love
Can do terrible things"
During the instrumental, i could see her already starting to tear up.
"she said boy, can i tell you a wonderful thing. I cant help but notice that your staring at me. I know i shouldnt say this, but i really believe, that your in love with me."
"now, most night we'd both have too much to drink. We'd laugh at our scars and share everything. To young to notice, and to young to care, to this love that we had, nothing could compare."
I was starting to get choked up. Nope, feelings stop. Not today. I need to finish the song.
"i said girl can i tell you a wonderful thing, I've made you a present with paper and string. Now open with care, im asking you please."
I dropped down on one knee, hoping not to fall while i sang.
"you know that I love you, will you marry me?"
The music driffted out, as i began to talk to her.
"ive known you were tough since 2nd grade, known you were beautiful since 6th, known you were perfect for me since 8th, known i wanted you to be mine since 10th and im asking you now, nicole, will you make me the happiest, craziest, worst and best man i can be, by doing me the honor of being my wife? Because you have loved me at my worst, clapped for me at my best, and been there through it all. Ive seen you at your best, been amazed by your strength at your worst, and cant imagine a better way to spend the rest of my life with you."
I paused... I hope she says yes.

the night it all changedWhere stories live. Discover now