minny's answer.

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Did he really just ask? I was just complaining to myself about how i wanted him to, but am i really... Ready?
I mean i love him, and i do want to spend the rest of my life with him but, im scared...
Yes. Being scared means i am. If i wasnt stcared, my dad always said it wasnt real. A risk is scary, the scarier the risk, the bigger the payoff... And my payoff, the man before me, was the best thing i had. Aside from cali, he is the one person that makes me feel... Alive again. He made my heart stop, and he made me smile and cry amd scream and laugh and i am never bored. He makes me angry, happy, sad, joyful, and sometimes, he makes me incredibly and incomparably crazy and never thought I'd end up with the first guy i kissed. He is my dream. I just hope he knows that. So im ready, i just gotta say it...
I was crying, but i kinda... Shrieked. I know, embarrassing, but i got the yes idea out there. Damn he is just so hot. i yelled "yes" about six hundred more times, jumping over the railing of the bleachers and jumping into his arms. He brought out the ring, a blue gem stone in a black setting, just over a karat... It was so gorgeous!!! And it fits!!! I involuntary grinned from ear to ear as he looked at me, he had this look in his eyes, like he could die a happy man.
Damn, now that i think about it, i could die a pretty freaking happy woman my self.
The crowd of people errupted into applause and screams. "Screams from all of the girls who were disappointed that he loved me" i thought with an evil grin.
Hes mine. Touch him and you die.
He kissed me... It was hard and passionate, and just perfect. He was a good kisser, i taught him everything he knows;) he broke the kiss, staring at me and as he dipped me back, i saw it... The roses.
They were dark blue, occasionaly with red swirls, and they were gorgeous. They had been the roses he bought when my dad died, and i fell in love with those roses. They had been my fathers favorite too, although he was a tough guy to everyone else, to me and mom, he was a big softie...
They are so beautiful i cant explain it. I began to cry a bit, immediately whiping the tears away and looking up at his beautiful green eyes. I get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend. Cliché, i know, but i cant explain it. I got another steamy kiss, from my hot fiancé... Oh shit, im engaged... I have to plan a wedding!!!!! Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, i dont know how to plan a wedding!
As if reading my mind, michale looked at me and whispered "i love you so much, you mean the world to me. We could get married in a church or under a bridge. I just want to be with you.
I couldnt believe this was happening.i could finally be happy with michale... I hope i dont mess this up.
"stop worrying" he whispered.
"how do you know if im worrying?" i asked, just as quietly, laughing a bit.
"you bite your lip and tend to get wandering hands" he winked as i realized i was grabbing his butt.
I gave it a quick squeeze as we laughed.
I love his laugh, it was deep but soft. Not to loud unless i tickled him, and then it made me happy to watch him suffer.
"i am so lucky" he whispered, grabbing my hand. He raised it up like a prize and everyone clapped as they "stormed the field" to congratulate us. Cali ran up, in her red dress that closely resembled a communion dress.
"did i do good?" she asked michale, smiling with pride.
"perfect, princess. Just perfect." he smiled, picking her up and sitting her on his shoulder.
"so this is why you wanted to get me a dress and all of this?" i asked her, smiling.
"yep! Good acting skills, huh?" she asked, beaming with pride.
"The best ive ever seen" i whispered to her, kissing her on the cheek and squeezing her tightly.
Everyone said their "congrats", their "i knew it", and their "you guys are perfect together" speeches, and when they finally left, markis taking cali back home, michale carried me bridal style to the truck, setting me in my seat. He paused, looking at me as he climed in my side of the truck, kissing me again and again as he kept whispering "i love you."
"i love you too!" i laughed, kissing back.
He gave me a love bite that would leave a mark... Great.
"we better go" i whispered, looking into his eyes.
"can we go park? I wanna talk, and... Well, continue doing this." he paused, kissing me softly," i want to do that for ever."
He said, smiling at me.
I knew he would be a great husband. I cant wait.
"lets go back to the old field" i said, smiling. "you sure?" he asked warrily, knowing what happened last time. (there had been a party in which a female of a certain name was beaten up by me *cough cough julie*)
"none of that matters, so yes. Im sure." i smiled, staring at him squarely.

"whatever you say, wife" he laughed.
"future wife!" i yelled, laughter escaping us both.
He started the truck, and we were on the road.
When we pulled into the field, he pulled the blankets out of the back seat, and climbed out, running around to open my door. He suprised me by picking me up, and singing to me. Did i mention he had a lovely voice? What cant this man do??? Oh yeah,cook... Or clean... Or shave. The last one is cuz i say so, but the others are legit.
"oh baby i love you, what more can i say, oh baby i love you, i miss you more every day" he sang (lynard skinard). He layed me down and kissed me, making me smile. He tasted sweet. He smiled at my smile and our teeth hit, making us both laugh.
"atleast i dont have braces" he said with a laugh.
"i remember those days... Im glad i never got any."
" im glad you didnt either. That gap between your teeth it perfect" he said, smiling as he kissed my neck.
"well, im just glad because we wouldn't be able to kiss if we both had them " i said, pulling him back to my lips.
His hands began to hold tighter to my waist, and i could tell he wanted to "do more than i was willing" but he never tried. Sometimes i thought it would be better to just get it over with, until i remember who im with. The first time was hell, and i hadn't wanted what i got.
"we better slow down" he said, rolling off me.
"okay" i said, a bit disappointed.
I crawled under the blankets, and he did the same, snuggling up close to me.
"its times like these where i really wanna just say screw waiting and go for it" he said, chuckling slightly.
"i know baby, thank you for being patient with me." i said, hoping he knew he much i meant it.
"your worth it, darlin" he said, his accent coming out. I love that he never tried to lose it.
After 4 hours of laying in the truck bed, we finally drove home, just as the sun started rising... It was 5:30 and neither of us had slept a bit.
"ill drive cali to school, and take a night shift." i munbled, fighting to stay awake.
"you sure?" he asked, knowing id be stuck cleaning up after the pigs we call men that i work with.
"yeah, i just wanna cuddle up on the couch or in bed and fall asleep." i said, trying to keep my eyes open.
When we got home, it was about 6:15, and i knew i could get a good two hours before i had to wake cali up.
I crawled up on the couch and fell asleep instantly.

I woke up sweating, trying to breath normally. Nightmare. Dammit.
I saw michale, standing in the living room, smiling at me. "your cute when you sleep" he said with a sexy smile. Oh hello, he took off he shirt. I was only asleep about 20 minutes... Means i get to cuddle up with this hunk. This is how is supposed to be, and somehow, i know that this is where im meant to be.
He snored softly, my head resting on his chest.
My life begins here.

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