the planning party from hell.

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Why do they do this? Dont get me wrong, michales sisters, Jossline and Amy are great. But i cant plan a wedding with those two fighting over whos the maid of honor and what my colors are. What bridesmaids dresses to get and if im going in a strapless or lace sleeved gown and... Ugh the list gows on and on. Is it to much to ask to just elope???
As a girl, i didnt dream of marriage or kids. I dreamt of my job and traveling. Thats why i want to elope. I just wanna go to ireland amd get married and stay for a week. I want to leave, have a small wedding, and a good marriage. But instead they are fighting over egg shell or cream table cloths and dark or light makeup. I swear if they keep fighting i will-
"what do you think mikey?" Amy asked, her eyes begging me for support... Dammit, i should have payed attention.
"um... Well uh" i stalled.
"girls, im sorry to steal her away, but i need time with my baby girl." michale said, smiling as he kissed me softly.
"no problem" jossline said, winking at me, trying to hide it... Epically failing, by the way.
"um... Big problem! We need her to pick red or pink roses!!!" Amy said, losing it a bit.
"blue. Blue roses." he said, answering for me. I love it when he answers for me. Its hot.
"... Ugh okay, take her away, go make out or whatever you virgins do." Amy said condescendingly.
Dont hit her, dont hit her... If she wasnt his brother, i would seriously break her face.
He is worth it, not hitting her.
I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room.
"thought I'd never get you alone." he laughed, kissing me as he tangled his hand in my hair.
"thank god you saved me. I love them, but they like this stuff so so much more."
He laughed, kissing my neck.
"you seemed to be drowning, i figured you could use a break to get out of your head." he whispered, in my ear, grazing my ear lobe.
"meaning you missed grabbing my butt?" i giggled, kissing his neck back.
"well, maybe a little, but mainly i missed seeing your beautiful face." he said, looking me in the eyes.
He kissed my collar bone and i giggled a bit to loudly.
"mickey!!!" Amy screeched... And i mean screeched.
"let them be! He has the right to see his fiancé in peace, don't you think?" jossline whispered loudly, scolding Amy.
"its not her fault you're single." she mumbled loudly.
"shut up" Amy huffed angrily
"id better go calm the demon before we all burn in hell." i chuckled, kissing him gently.
"maybe if were quiet, they'll go away!" he said, almost yelling.
"NO WE WON'T!" yelled amy, hitting the table in our kitchen.
"or we could go away, and let them plan" he whispered, picking me up.
"and end up in a cinderella dress cuz i wasnt here? Fat chance." i giggled, snorting a bit. I covered my mouth, embarassed.
He smiled, pulling my hand away from my mouth to kiss it.
"that was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I think you might be too perfectly cute." he said, trying to get on my nerves.
"shut up and kiss me before i forget why im marrying you" i said in mock warning.
"i thought it was for my money!!!" he laughed, kissing me.
"no, its for your looks, your personality could use some work though," i teased, winking.
"well, for my baby girl, ill do anything." he said, spinning me around as i kissed him again.
"barf oh wow eww barf" amy said, staring at us.
He kissed me grabbing my butt to make a point.
"okay, no. No mounting my brother with me in the house. Out." she said, walking twords me as if she were gonna push me out.
"I'll mount her instead!" michale yelled, picking me up and running me outside.
"Perfectly horrible" i whispered as he put me down in the grass and put his head in my lap.
"i think I've gone mad" he said, smiling at me.
"thats the difference between you and me. I know you have" i said laying back.
"shes such a bitch. I swear she just wants someone to get money from." Amy said to jossline, unaware that i could hear her.
"do you just stop and listen to yourself? You're the one being a bitch. Michale's happy, so knock it off."
She went into the living room and i could see her from the open window. Michale had dozed off.
"get your skinny ass back in here and help me send out invitations!" jossline yelled at Amy.
Incase you hadn't noticed, Jossline is my favorite of the two. Although still difficult, she doesn't absolutely hate me being with her "precious baby brother" like Amy.
Jossline is one of those girls who is constantly happy. To the point of insanity. It drives me nuts, but she loves me and she's gonna be my sister soon so i guess ill live.
"not until michale's whore gets inside instead of screwing him! I dont think she even cares what he wants. What does he see in that tramp?" amy said to her, not realizing i could hear her... Now she's crossed the line.
"shut the hell up! I know you hate me although i dont understand why, but guess what? Im not your biggest fan either. But i love michale so much im willing to put up with your bitching and moaning and calling me anything you want. But if you call me a whore, i will kick your ass." i said, getting so close to her she began to back up.
Michale was awake and stood up, dazed and confused.
"i didnt... I didnt know you were there." she said, trying to wrap her head around what had happened.
"well, i may be a tramp, but atleast i have enough class to say i have a problem with them instead of talking about them behind their backs." i spat, staring her in the eyes. I hated her right now... I truly hated her.
"dont talk to Amy like that! Thats my sister, what the hell is going on?"
" your sister hates me and thinks im a bitch, a whore, a tramp, and a gold digger!" i yelled, not taking my eyes off of her.
"what are you talking about?" Amy asked, staring at me, pretending to be confused.
Great, the girl can lie.
"shes probably over reacting" she said, looking at me with hate.
"who are you gonna believe?" she whispered, beginning to fake cry.
He walked her inside, glaring at me as if i had killed her.
"you need to go." he said to me with angry eyes.
"no, no. Thats not happening. Are you really gonna believe her over me? I thought you trusted me. I thought you said i was important. That you trusted me. You said i was the most important person in your life!"
"obviously we both lie. She would never say that to you. How dare you accuse her of anything! After everything I've done for you. Get the hell out. You need a breather."
When it rains, it pours...
Jossline shook her head, not getting involved.
"if that's really how you feel, dont worry, im gone. But you promised a fun night with cali, and im going to the bar. Ill have markis come get her in the morning. If this is how you feel, fine. But dont pretend that your mad because of this. You're mad because of me and jason texting. I let you read the messgaes so you're only hurting your self. You're the one whos wrong. if this is how its always gonna be... Then i dont want to be a part of it. Im done." i said, throwing the ring at him and getting into my truck.
I need to get out of here.
I slammed the truck door, pulling out and driving away.
I started to cry. I need to talk to someone.
Kaleb! He will drink with me. Im not 21, so i need him right now.
I could hardly see through my burning eyes, and i pressed call.
Thats not kaleb, thats... Jason?
"shit, wrong number, sorry." i mumbled, about to hang up the phone.
"wait!!! Whats wrong? You're crying."
He was actually concerned? About me?
"meet me at donatello's in half an hour so we can talk." he said hopefully.
Does he care, or just want to get into my pants?
Either way, he can buy me drinks.
Michale wouldn't like it.
To bad, according to him, i lie and im not wanted. And according to his sister, im the worst female ever.
Well, im single i guess. Time to drink and laugh.
I hope i wont regret this.

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