Return of Mikael

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<a few months later>
Kol and Natalia became close again spending lots of time together. Katherine spent most of her time inside their home or spending time with Natalia. The Mikaelson Siblings continued on with their plan. Lastly the Salvatore brother looked out for Elena in case anything happened to her.

~The Salvatore Boarding House, 2010~
"I've been thinking Damon, we brought back Natalia to get rid of Katherine and it lead us to her staying and Katherine not leaving."

"It's not my fault that you wanted to find her to get rid of her sister they were always close I didn't surprise me when she saved her from the tomb."

Suddenly, Elena came running into the home and turning on the tv sitting in the room. "What's going on Elena" asked Stefan. She ignored him and watched the news. "A vampire has attacked loads of people in Mystic Grill here we have a witness" the news lady said. The camera moved to all the blood and bodies before moving to the witness. The girl standing there said "I was in the bathroom when it happened but when I came out a man was standing by a wall writing "Mikael Mikaelson is back."

"Have you both ever heard of a Mikael Mikaelson."

"By the looks of it he could be the father of the Mikaelson's."

~Mikaelson Home, 2010~
Rebekah came bursting in through the doors of the home as her brothers looked at her confused. "It's Mikael he's back."

Klaus turned around after not paying attention. "This means we have to get going from here it's not safe."

"I'm not leaving here, I just found Natalia I'm not going to be the one to run this time" Kol said looking at this brother.

"Niklaus is right Kol, leaving one of us here is dangerous since he will look for us and torture other for answers."

Kol looked at his sister as if asking to back him up but she stood there not knowing what to say. "We have leave before tonight we can't risk him finding us any sooner" said Klaus. They all watched Kol wondering if he was up to leaving with them. "Kol come on we can't lose anyone else" Rebekah said.

"I'll go with you all but just know that I'm doing it because I don't want to die and not because I wouldn't sell you out to our father. Also screw you all for once I was happy again and here we are running as we did before" Kol said this before heading upstairs to get his things.

"This better be worth because I'm not about to become Kol's dinner" Finn said looking over at his younger siblings.

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