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~The Salvatore Boarding House, 2012~
They all looked over at Katherine. "How about you Katherine do you know who Natalia calls Bex" asked Elena.

"That's her phone not mine so I wouldn't know."

The door of the home suddenly was kicked down waking up Natalia. She looked to see her sister sitting beside her. The Mikaelson's soon walked through the door, making their way over to everyone.

"Get the hell away from my wife."

"How did you all know they were here."

Rebekah raised her phone dangling it. "So you are the contact name Bex."

"Yes, I'm here for my sisters."

"That'll have to wait, we have both Petrova's and it's time for us to get information."

Before they could say anything else Klaus and Elijah went for Damon and Stefan, Rebekah and Finn went for Elena and Caroline, and Kol went to untie Natalia and Katherine.

"Alright they are outnumbered, we can easily win this."

The fight took off wood breaking everywhere. Klaus and Damon were on the floor rolling around fighting. Elijah had Stefan close to the wall kicking him in the stomach a wooden stick close by.

Finn had managed to snap Caroline's neck and was getting four wooden sticks ready in case he needed to stick it through one of their hearts.

Rebekah had Elena in a head lock before flipping her over and kicking her around the room.

"What's wrong Elena can't keep up."

"You'll pay for this, I will find the necklace and destroy."

"You won't do a single thing."

The Mikaelsons and Petrovas gathered together picking out their plan carefully.

Petrova • Kol Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now