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~Outside Garden Venue, 2012~
Out of no where Katherine got her neck snapped. The person who did lifted her up and threw her in the back seat of the car driving off."

~The Salvatore Boarding House, 2012~
"Alright I got her now what" asked Damon.

"You can leave I'll handle this with Stefan."

"Ok call me if you need help."

Damon left right as Katherine woke up.

"What am I doing here."

"Your here because we can't let you or anyone else get that necklace."

Katherine started laughing "you dumb doppelgänger, you don't even know where the necklace is at"

"She's drunk Elena, where have you been."

"Partying with my sister at her wedding."

"Your sister got married" Damon said walking over to where they were.

"Damon, I thought I said for you to leave."

"When have I ever listened, now your sister getting married."

"Considering you were the one to snap my neck I thought you would know it was a wedding."

"I thought it was a party not wedding."

"Don't look so upset you never even had a chance with her."

"I'm not upset."

"Really your face says otherwise, Natalia has and will always love Kol, the day I found you both together I finally thought she moved on but I was wrong. She thought she did as well but every time she would think of Kol."

Damon lunged at Katherine. "Don't hurt me Damon I'm still linked to Elena."

"Your wrong about that because the witch you have unlinked her because we threatened to kill her family."

"I have to remind myself to have a chat with her."

"Now tell us where the necklace is at."

"Yeah that's not happening."

~The Petrova Mansion, 2012~
"Hello, Ms Collins have you seen my sister."

"No, I'm sorry but there is tea in the kitchen since your clearly drunk."

"Thank you and call me if she arrives."

Natalia sits down before calling Rebekah.

"Hey Rebekah, did Katherine say she was going somewhere else after she left."

"No, she said she was going straight home to your house."

"Alright thank-"

Before Natalia hung up, Caroline snapped her neck and took her body exiting the house. Rebekah listened to the whole thing muting herself to listen to what was going on as she ran to get her brothers.

~Mikaelson Mansion, 2012~
"FINN, ELIJAH, KLAUS, KOL, come down quickly."

The four brothers ran down to where Rebekah was. "What's wrong that you had to wake us up" asked Finn.

"It's Natalia one second she was talking and the next I'm guessing someone snapped her neck."

"Well let's go find her."

"No, she never hung we should listen and see if we can find out where she's at."

<a few minutes later>
"I got her where do I put her."

"On the chair next to her sister" said Stefan.

"Why did you bring my sister into this."

"Because Katerina if we can't get anything out of you two we can just kill you both" said Stefan.

<on the other end>
"The Salvatore's."

"Alright, gets your things perhaps change since we are all in wedding outfits."

"Be at the door in 5"

<back on the other end>
"Check her pockets make sure she doesn't have the necklace" said Damon.

Caroline checked Natalia's pockets pulling out her cell phone to see that it was on a call. She raised the phone to the others.

"Her phone was on the whole time."

"Who was she talking to" asked Elena.

"I'm not sure it just says Bex, but I don't know anyone named Bex."

"I don't know or call anyone Bex" said Damon.

Katherine smiled knowing fully well that, Bex was what Kol and Natalia called Rebekah.

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