two (2)

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of course, going back to school means actually having to do school. which means being the lead in the choir. which means singing a solo welcoming the crown prince back. fuck my life.


day one

when you're a resident of hillerska, people definitely like you more. a lot more. people i have never spoken to from the choir came up to me as soon as i arrived early this morning. members of the choir were required to be at the school four hours before the prince's arrival, but that's not too much earlier than the start time of a normal day. of course, i would not be arriving to the school anymore. my classes are literally seconds away.

the prince always arrives later than everyone else. i suppose that's meant to help exert his importance. it's bullshit. every time the prince arrives at the school after a period of absence, he's welcomed back with a whole choir. must be nice.

the first day back never has any classes. it's meant to get everyone used to the grounds, the people, and the rules again. i don't really find it necessary. we were only gone for two short weeks. not enough time.

i don't mind not having classes, though. i would much rather have to go to choir without missing any work. the song we are singing to welcome wilhelm back is another song in english, just like last time. it's called "what a heavenly way to die" by troye sivan. i've heard of this song before, but i've never even attempted to sing it. this was completely new territory.

looking at the lyrics shocked me to say the least. the meaning carried in this was incredible, and the vocals would be hard to match. but that was the least of my worries. it reminded me of him. i can't be reminded of him, not now. there's no out though, i have to do this.

the first time we sang, after going over the lyrics and parts, my voice was a mess. first i was off key. then i was shaky. finally, when i got it to sound right, it still wasn't good enough. it had to be perfect before the director was satisfied. so i had to make it perfect. i was less embarrassed when other people messed up. it was normal for them. not for me.

before we knew it, it was time. everyone was already in the church. well, everyone except for the prince, of course. we walked out of the school and into the church with the rest of the students. as we walked to the stand there was a quiet clap. i led the line of us, so i was the first on the stand. i climbed to the middle of the top row and stood there. that was the soloist spot. my spot. everyone else filed in around me.

when everyone was in their place, it was silent. i realized that august was sitting in the audience. there was no open seat next to him. i thought that was strange. then i saw that a single seat sat in front of everyone. i almost slipped and laughed. of course.

a car door closed outside and we all straightened up. fuck. it's happening. the prince is here. the grand doors to the church cracked slightly and the bright january sky was let in. the headmistress followed, and beside her was him. the crown prince wilhelm. i looked to the ground. i could not make eye contact with him. when i heard a chair scrape the ground and someone sit, we were ready to go. the director let out a "ahem" and one section of the choir started. next came the second section. then the third. finally it was my turn to sing the harmony. it was now or never. i picked my head up.

"Tell each other you're the one

While we're laying by the poolside, poolside

Getting tired from the sun

Fading in and out of long nights, long nights

There's no limit to your love

East or west, we got the north lights, north lights, oh, oh

Take in it all"

i sounded good. my voice was smooth, just as it was supposed to be. between the verses i smiled to myself and readjusted my shoulders confidently.

"What a heavenly way to die

What a time to be alive

Because forever is in your eyes

But forever ain't half the time"

the chorus was even better than the first verse. feeling extremely confident, i decided to be more stylistic on the post chorus.

"I wanna spend with you, you

I wanna be with you, you

I wanna spend with you, you

I wanna be with you, you"

adding style was the best idea yet. i looked out and searched the eyes of the crowd. they liked it too. then my stomach turned. i met his eyes. he was smiling at me.

he was smiling at me.

i looked away and swallowed hard. you can do it. i closed my eyes and started again.


Just as long as you'll be home

In the world we've manifested-fested

Oh oh, just take in it all"

it was shaky. really shaky. with the harmonies i don't think anyone noticed, though. except for him. he noticed. it was his fault, after all. i continued through the rest of the song, careful not to look his way again. i could not afford to slip up. and i didn't. the song ended.

i took a deep, but silent, breath of relief. it was over. and it was nowhere near as bad as i thought. i smiled as a praise to myself.

we were dismissed, and i had already decided that i was not leaving through the front door. i would slip through the back. when everyone in the first and second row stepped down, i did too. i picked up my backpack from its place and quickly made my escape. i don't think anyone noticed.


before choir practice, i didn't have the chance to look at my rooming placement. i went directly from the admissions office to the choir room. i unzipped the pocket of my bag and pulled out the folded sheet of paper. in the box labeled "room number", 109 was listed. i don't know if that's good or bad. i've only ever been in one room before.

i walked around the campus a bit before deciding to go inside. i needed to make sure there wouldn't be a mishap. i entered to front door. near the front there was a directory board listing the room numbers, floors, and corridors. i found the information that pertained to my room and walked up to the third floor. i hope sara found her room this easy.

the first door on the third floor was 100, meaning that i wasn't very far from the stairs. good. i walked on and then i realized that the girl standing in the corridor wasn't a student. she was a woman in a suit. a protective suit. a bodyguard.

the prince's bodyguard.




i stared straight ahead, afraid to look at her. i looked at each door.





no. it can't be. this was his room.


and that was mine. we were across the hall from each other. we would always be seconds away from each other. fuck.

i heard a nearby door creak. it was 108. he stepped out and looked right into my eyes. i was frozen for a second. then i got my senses back and stumbled to my room, opened the door, and slammed the world away. thank god it was unlocked. 

two chapters in one day!! i had to start well. please remember to vote and comment, and i hope you had an amazing day!!! ❤️🖤

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