eight (8)

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i was sitting back in my room. dinner was a bit of a let down for me, but i don't know what i was expecting. i didn't get to sit by wilhelm, and instead i had to sit on the very end of the table. we didn't talk, and sure, we looked and smiled at each other, but that was nothing like being close to him.

after dinner i came up to my room. he was stuck in a conversation with a second year, which i was sure he wasn't enjoying. i would've tried to help, but that would be way too much considering we officially became friends less than an hour before. so i left him there.

now i was sitting in bed thinking. mostly about him, but also about everything else. sara texted me and asked when i wanted to talk. i asked if tomorrow morning before breakfast was okay, and she said yes. i felt that it would be best for me to have some more time to think things over and decide what i was going to do. i groaned and turned to my side.

what the fuck was i gonna do? i realized that i couldn't punch him to death because i risked a.) expulsion, b.) arrest, and c.) never seeing wille again. because even though we were just friends, i could not get him out of my head. i hit myself in the forehead. i had to stop. there were real problems i had to consider. i returned to my previous thoughts.

if i couldn't hurt him physically, then what was i gonna do? hurt him emotionally? that was laughable, i had nothing to threaten him with.

the realization hit me hard. i did have something to threaten him with. sara. if i told sara then it would be over. nobody would actually gain anything, but it would feel good as hell to see him hurt. or course, not as bad as i did, but it would still be satisfying. i had my plan, and now i just needed to talk to-

oh shit. if i was really gonna do this i couldn't talk to sara first. i would have to do it before. i would have to do it tonight. i groaned again. why did it all have to happen so fast? why couldn't i just have a normal first day? why did today have to be the day everything happened? this sucked. but it had to happen. then i remembered something about earlier today. wilhelm said that he'd support me no matter what i chose to do. maybe he could help me decide.


one hour, two very frustrated sighs, and three text messages later, it was 9:00 p.m., and i had my final answer. tonight i will confront august. he'd be easy to find, for sure. this was the first chance he got to use the gym, so he would obviously be there. that was step one, finding him. now i need my second step.

i needed to have an exact idea of what i was going to say, like reading off of a script. only, it would look absolutely ridiculous and unintimidating if i showed up with a sheet of paper. it needed to be right from my head. and it can't be that hard, i mean all i had to tell him was that if he didn't tell sara, i would. it was so simple. but then why did it seem so hard?


it was about 30 minutes later. i finally had what i was going to say figured out:

"we've already established this, but you're an ignorant asshole who deserves nothing. and now that i know it was you, that makes you even more of an asshole. i want to blow up your whole world. i want to make you hurt. so here's what's up. i know there's something between you and my sister. i saw it first hand, and i hate it. so i'm offering you something. you have until tomorrow morning to tell her yourself and get the chance to have her hate you less than she would otherwise. or, i tell her, and she'll be crushed. she'll never look at you the same. the choice is yours."

or something like that. it was too rehearsed and put together for my liking, but it was what wilhelm suggested. i had the feeling he knew a bit more about this than me, for some reason. but, whatever. i was doing it. i already decided. that was step two.

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