thirteen (13)

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everything that happened this morning distracted me from the fact that i felt like shit. now that i had no distraction, and i was walking to breakfast with wilhelm, it was starting to set in. i felt like i was going to puke, which i was very surprised i didn't do last night according to wilhelm's apparently sober memory. he convinced me that he only had one drink because he wanted to keep me safe. i brushed it off and told him that he didn't have to do that, but i was very grateful he did. not only would i have missed out on what happened between us earlier, but i also would have also more than likely woken up somewhere that definitely wasn't his bed.

i could barely walk, so i was leaning onto wilhelm's arm for support. i had his hoodie on still with the hood up, but that wasn't enough to block out the horrible light. we didn't even have to show up for breakfast, but although i pleaded for him to just sneak up some food for me, he insisted. so we walked out of his room (malin was not even surprised to see me emerge with him) and trailed down to the dining room.

there was barely anyone sitting down at the table, but it wasn't just because we were five minutes early. i couldn't imagine how gross other people felt if i felt this bad, and i didn't even think i drank that much. wilhelm says otherwise, but i don't believe him. it was good that there weren't many people there, because i didn't know if i could keep my head up.

as soon as we had our food picked out, we were swarmed, or really wilhelm was, with people asking how he was, and if he had fun last night. they were all so loud. i pulled the strings and locked myself inside the hood, and then gripped his arm tighter. everyone else was used to us being affectionate, and i'm sure more than half of them thought we were together again before today.

but were we? it obviously wasn't some meaningless kiss. and we also obviously still had feelings for each other. and he wasn't trying to keep me a secret at school anymore. that was practically everything i wanted. so what did that make us? my head hurt too bad to try and figure it out now.

we walked over to the two empty seats on the side of the table that was meant for first years. he slowly helped me lower myself into my chair. i was about to fall asleep. i wanted to sleep so bad. i was finally sitting down next to him, but as soon as i smelled the food i wanted to puke again. i guess i wasn't gonna eat breakfast. i groaned and let my head rest on his shoulder.

"alright, alright," some third year called, "you all know what time it is!"

almost everyone cheered. the noise was already too much for me and that wasn't even half of how loud it would get. i sunk further into his shoulder.

vincent stood up.

"now, quite a few of you mysteriously disappeared last night."

a few guys cleared their throat.

"and there is one of you i know for sure got a little action. nils, get your ass on the table again!"

i could already imagine the noise before it was happening. it started off okay, but it got progressively louder.

"nils on the table! nils on the table!! NILS ON THE TABLE!"

i groaned again and squirmed uncomfortably. wilhelm rested his chin on my head.

"i know," he consoled, "we'll leave after this."

i nodded.


nils was finally on the table after another whole minute of them chanting. god damn.

he was wearing a very smug expression.

"i don't know, but stella was looking pretty hot last night."

people clapped and whistled and would not stop fucking pounding on the table.

"how was it?" someone yelled.

"as always," he said, "it was great. she was super into it."

more clapping.

"so what's going on with you two now?"

"oh, well we're just gonna do it  again today," he bragged, a shit-eating grin on his face.

more cheering, but at least it was over now.

"alright, get off the table you fuck," vincent joked.

that was our cue to leave. he helped me up out of my chair, and i leaned on him for support. everyone was staring at us as we came around the corner of the table. vincent put barricaded the door with his body.

"boys, where do you think you're going?" he teased.

everyone laughed. just what i needed.

"to our rooms to sleep," wilhelm replied, unamused.

there was a chorus of "sure"s and "yeah"s and "mhm"s.

"alright, yeah to 'sleep'. definitely not anything to do with why you walked in here all over each other. i thought you guys were broken up?"

god, did he really have to be such and asshole about it? if i felt like i could i would've probably threatened him, but i still could barely even keep my eyes open.

they started pounding on the table. wilhelm and i both glared at them, or at least i tried.

"yeah well we wer- are broken up. we're not together again."

i was trying to find a reason to be upset by this, but i couldn't be because we didn't talk about it yet. we haven't decided what it meant. one thing i did know for sure though, was that we are not 'just friends' anymore. friends don't kiss each other like we do, and they for sure aren't in love with one another.

vincent eyed my position on his arm.

"sureee," he smirked.

the pounding on the table got louder and harder. and then someone started chanting. wilhelm was shaking his head. it got louder and louder. vincent started chanting along and then he grabbed wilhelm to pull us back to the table. he shook him off.


and they did. his yelling made my head pound, but maybe that was the one good thing about having a prince being in love with you. whatever he says, is. everyone was looking at us. he walked with me back over to the door.

"now if you would excuse us," he said, pushing it open a bit, "i have a very hungover and very tired boy weighing down on the entire right side of my body right now. it would greatly benefit both of us if you just let me get him into a bed so he can sleep."

he pushed open the door all the way and dragged me along with him, not even waiting for them to respond.

thank you all so much for 3k reads!!! i apologize for how boring this chapter may seem, but i'll make up for it with the drama in the next one ;) please interact a bit so more people can see this!! i love you all, and again, thank you.

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