twenty five (25)

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*simon's point of view*

two weeks later

things were great. it was friday again and we were going on our third date. the prompt for this one was quite interesting. two days ago he asked me a question.

"we're going on another date this weekend, pick a word," he said.

"a word?" i asked

"yeah, like just any word."

i looked at him, very confused.

"any word?"


i looked out the window.

"erm... cloud?"

he tapped something on his phone.

"perfect!" he exclaimed.

he wouldn't tell me where we were going. i've been trying to pry it out of him, but like always, he won't budge. now we were leaving in an hour and all he said was "it's gonna be cold."

no shit. it's winter in sweden.

nevertheless, i was picking through all of his jackets trying to find the one that would fit me the best. my third time i picked through everything i noticed something. i touched the blazer again. it made the same noise. i took the hanger off the rack and shook it. it made the noise again. i felt the pockets. there was something plastic in the right one. i reached in and the second i touched it i knew what it was. i closed my eyes and pulled it out.



i read the label. vyvanse. adhd meds.

i stormed out of the closet and barged into the bathroom.

he looked at me in the reflection of the mirror.

"what's wrong, grumpy," he teased.

i wasn't laughing.

"wilhelm what the fuck is this?" i spat.

i shoved the bottle in his face.

"oh shit," he said.

"yeah, 'oh shit' is right. you better start explaining right now."

"it's not-"

"are you using?" i cut him off, "i swear to god, wilhelm, if you're using and somehow you've managed to hide it from me for a month, i will leave right now and you can forget i existed."

i was so upset i was shaking. it felt like i was about to cry. i could not cry right now.

he started walking towards me. i backed away.

"simon, stop."

i did. he cupped my face in his hands.

"did you open the bottle?"

i shook my head.

"do that," he said.

i slowly brought my hands to the bottle and started to screw the top off. there was a seal over the medication.

"what do you see?" he asked.

"it's sealed," i told him, "why is it sealed?"

he sighed.

"i'll get to that in a second. you found it in a brown blazer, right?"

i nodded.

"when was the last time you saw me wear that?"

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