twenty (20)

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*simon's point of view*

"you're kidding," i gawked.

he just stepped out of his room wearing the nicest suit i have ever seen.


"you're wearing," i pointed at him, "that, and i'm in jeans and a t-shirt."

he laughed.

"you don't have to be dressed up," he said.

"then why are you?"

"because i like being dressed up."

"but now i feel under dressed," i complained.

"then change."

"but i like this."

"then don't change."

"aghh," i groaned.

in spite of my protests, we were having a driver pick us up. partially because walking would be too hard, and also because it would be a little unsafe for wilhelm to take a bus. he couldn't get a royal driver because his mom would find out we're doing whatever we're doing, so he just hired someone. i was very upset when he told me how much it cost him, but he said it wasn't even enough to notice. the amount of money he had was incredibly intimidating.

so, at 5:12 p.m on a saturday, i was in a car with the crown prince of sweden, and i had no idea where we were going. he refused to tell me, saying that it should be a surprise. he even suggested a blindfold, but after i accused him of being a kidnapper he dropped it.

we were going to eat somewhere, that's what i knew. i had no idea what kind of food, but it's food so i couldn't complain. he also told me to pack a bag because we weren't sleeping at school. it was a scary kind of exciting.

we were driving though the streets of bjarstad right now. streets that i have known my entire life. every time i went through them i was filled with happy memories. but i don't think they were my own memories. i blocked out almost all of my childhood. i remember almost nothing. i think it's how i coped with the trauma caused by my dad. but i didn't want to think about that. i went back to the fabricated happiness.

after a couple minutes i started to get impatient.

"can you please give me a hint?"

he pretended to think about it.

"hmm.. let me see," he said, "no."

"ugh please? i'm a part of this date too!"

"exactly, that's why i'm surprising you," he said matter-of-factly.

he was so stubborn. i hate stubborn people. why did it make him hotter?

"well what if i don't like surprises," i reasoned.

i loved surprises. that was a complete lie and he saw right through it. he glared at me.

"fuck, fine. can you at least tell me what kind of food we're getting?"

he smiled.

"your favorite," he said, not looking at me directly, but i could still see the huge grin plastered on his face.

i was overtaken by my excitement.

"you're serious?" i asked.

he turned to me an nodded.

"we're getting latin-american food?!?!"

he nodded, folding his lips trying to hide how pleased he was with my response.

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