twenty one (21)

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*wilhelm's point of view*

when i opened my eyes i shot up. i thought it was a dream. it wasn't. i can't believe i did that, but i'm so glad i did. i didn't have to hide from the world anymore. i didn't have to hide his beautiful face from everyone. i looked to my right.

and because i did it, that beautiful face was in bed next to me. i lowered my head back down to the pillow. i looked at him and traced over every inch of skin that was exposed, details that i've already taken so much time to learn, but there was still so much for me to know. and i would get to know them now.

i checked the time. it was 8:03. that means i've still got about an hour before he wakes up. i decided to test out the very dangerous game of going on twitter. as soon as i opened the app my phone practically stopped working. i had a ridiculous amount of notifications, more than i have ever had before. i tapped the button for the explore page, and then the "trending" bar.

"prince wilhelm" was #1 trending with "prince boyfriend" and "gay prince".

it's safe to say that it made it out into the world. i clicked it to see what people were saying.

"so proud of crown prince wilhelm! congratulations to him and his boyfriend!" one user said.

my smile was so wide.

"I KNEW IT!" said another.

that could have meant a lot of things.

"i feel so seen 😊 thank you, prince wilhelm, for having the bravery to come out in such a lovely way, and giving some great representation to the community!"

i continued to scroll through the comments. everyone was praising me, congratulating us, people were excited. this was not at all what i was expecting the whole response to be. but it wasn't the whole response.

*mild homophobia tw*

"i can't believe that homo will have power in our country. what a shame how our future generations are turning out."

what the fuck.

i scrolled through faster searching for these comments, simultaneously biting my nails.

"good to know that the crown is corrupt from now on."

my heart was starting to race. i prepared myself for this. this is what i was expecting to happen. i threw the covers off. it was still too hot. i slowly lifted myself out of the bed, not wanting to wake simon. i stumbled over to a pile of clothes on the floor and pulled out the swim wear we had to make an emergency run to get last night. i pulled them on.

i stumbled out the door. because the pool was basically indoors, i couldn't feel the cold air. i walked over to the stairs leading into the pool. i slowly stepped down to the first one. and then the second. i kept lowering myself in until about half of my body was submerged. the water was really cold. but that was what i needed. i walked out to one of the ledges and sat down.

i focused on how cold it was. it gave me something to think about. i clenched my eyes shut. i don't know how long i sat there, but after a while i felt hands on my back. i opened my eyes. i forgot how bright it was, so they painfully adjusted to the light.

"hi," he said.


he studied my face.

"are you okay?"

i took a deep breath.

"i will be," i decided.

he lowered himself in next to me.

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