085. i promise

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Lexa and Stefan entered the boarding house, finding Jenna and Elena together on the couch, as Elena was comforting Jenna

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Lexa and Stefan entered the boarding house, finding Jenna and Elena together on the couch, as Elena was comforting Jenna. "I'm so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen." Elena said.

Jenna's teary eyes moved away from Elena and to Lexa and Stefan. The siphoner moved away from Stefan and joined her family on the couch. "When I was little, your mom used to tell me bedtime stories. Stories about vampires. I never thought that what she said could be true." Jenna explained to her nieces.

"It is true, Jenna." Lexa admitted, looking sadly at her aunt. "We should have told you." The witch confessed before Elena spoke up, "I thought that if you didn't know, you'd be safe. But then things got so out of control and everything I had done to keep you out of it, it just blew up in my face."

"Who else knows? Jeremy? John?" Jenna demanded as Lexa gave a reluctant nod. "We were just trying to protect you." Elena piped up as Jenna frowned, "Protect me?" She asked. "I'm so sorry. I will tell you everything." Lexa insisted, placing her hand on top of Jenna's.

Jenna ripped away her hand as she shook her head, "No, Lexa... I am the one who's supposed to be protecting you, Elena and Jeremy." The Sommers insisted. "I know, but there's nothing that you could have done. There's so much more to it..." Elena trailed off as Jenna piped up, "No, this is— this is so...I don't know how...it's..." She broke into tears, as she was unable to finish her sentence.

"Why didn't you tell me?! I'm scared." Jenna snapped, before she said the last part in almost a whisper. Lexa felt tears well in her eyes, as she embraced Jenna. "I know. I know... I'm so sorry Aunt Jenna." Lexa managed to say, before Elena reached forward and also hugged her Aunt.

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Katherine drank from a bottle of bourbon as she danced around the house, to loud music that played. "Isaiah, aren't you going to come and join me?" She called out, before Klaus walked in instead, which disappointed her.

"You mind turning that down?" Klaus asked angrily, as Katherine used the remote to turn down the music. "Why so grumpy?" Katherine asked before Klaus confessed, "Well, this body has outlived its usefulness."

"Do you want a drink?" Katherine asked as Klaus responded bitterly, "No, Katerina, I don't want a drink."

"Come on. It might loosen you up." Katherine offered Klaus the bottle of bourbon, and he took it before throwing it against the wall and smashing it. "What I want is for you to sit down and shut up." He ordered, rage filling his voice.

"Don't speak to her like that." Isaiah's voice rung, as he entered the room. Katherine looked a bit more comfortable knowing that Isaiah was around, Klaus terrified her. "Don't tell me what to do." Klaus replied back to his younger brother, ready to start a fully fledged argument with him before the door swung open, Maddox and Greta entering the home.

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