065. go fuck yourself

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Lexa and Sienna walked down the hallway of Mystic Falls High school, hand in hand

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Lexa and Sienna walked down the hallway of Mystic Falls High school, hand in hand. They smiled at some acquaintances that greeted them as they passed, before they stopped walking, as Tiki stood in their way.

"You guys really shouldn't be doing that in public." She blurted as Lexa and Sienna give her a confused look. Tiki rolled her eyes before pointing to their connected hands. "Why?" Lexa asked, looking up at the girl with an unamused look.

"Look.. I can accept that you two are a same sex couple, but I don't like seeing PDA all in my face." Tiki declared. "Right." Lexa trailed off, before looking over her shoulder for a moment, her eyes landing on a guy and a girl that were making out in the hallway, groping eachother as they did. "So.. You're gonna go and pull them up too, right?" Lexa asked, facing Tiki again. Tiki just laughed, "Oh but.. that's different..." She trailed off.

"I have three words for you Teeks." Sienna began, as Tiki nodded, waiting for her to go on. "Go fuck yourself." Sienna hissed, before she stuck up her middle finger, causing Lexa to laugh, but then do it too. Tiki rolled her eyes, as the couple walked away.

"What a dumb bitch." Sienna huffed as they walked away, but then stopped as they reached Stefan and Jeremy. "Hey guys." Lexa chimed. "Hey." The boys replied.

"Stefan, Elena's got to let us know if we're supposed to cover for her. Jenna's cool with the two of you but you guys are pushing it." Jeremy said as Lexa nodded, realising what he was talking about. Stefan looked puzzled, "What are you talking about?" He asked.

"You and Elena. Look, I'm glad you guys are back together but if she's gonna sleep over..." Lexa trailed off as Stefan raised an eyebrow, "Wait, wait... hold on a minute. We're not back together." He assured them. "Wait...she didn't stay at your place last night?" The youngest Gilbert asked. Stefan shook his head, "No, I mean I saw her at the party but that was it. She didn't sleep over."

"Her bed hadn't been slept in and Mrs. Lockwood said that her car was still in the driveway. Where is she then?" Lexa asked. Sienna frowned, "She definitely didn't stay at the Lockwood mansion."

━━━━━ ♥︎ ━━━━━

Damon, Stefan and Alexia stood together, discussing the disappearance of Elena. "This has Katherine written all over it." Stefan insisted as Lexa nodded, agreeing. "Katherine's in the tomb. Trust me; I'm the one who shut her in." Damon replied.

"Did you?"

Damon frowned, "Did I what, Lexa?" He asked, almost offended by her tone. "Well, we know the hold that Katherine has on you." Stefan insisted as Lexa crossed her arms, eyeing Damon. "She's in the tomb, period. Even ask Tasha. End of story but she did say something to me right before I shut her in. I thought she was lying."

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