029. lexa's protector

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Whilst Elena walked across the dancefloor, searching for Damon, Lexa was dancing with Sienna, though she kept looking over her shoulder to see Caroline, hoping to dance with her at least once before they left

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Whilst Elena walked across the dancefloor, searching for Damon, Lexa was dancing with Sienna, though she kept looking over her shoulder to see Caroline, hoping to dance with her at least once before they left. Suddenly, her cell phone range.

Lexa took her phone out of her pocket and answered it. "Hello, Alexia." The voice said, belonging to the man that'd pretended to be a delivery driver.. the same one that happened to be a vampire and had attacked Elena. The brunette paused, standing still now, scared. "Lexa? Everything okay?" Sienna asked, noticing her date standing awfully still, as she was looking very concerned.

"Here's what you're going to do." The voice said to Lexa as she looked around her for the source of the call. "There's an exit door behind you. You have five seconds." Lexa shook her head, "No."

"Or your brother dies... and then I'll lure Elena instead." The vampire spoke as Lexa shuddered, "Fine."

"Hurry. I can snap his neck so fast I bet there's not even a witness. Now, start walking."

Lexa turned around, to walk to the door. "Lexa! Where are you going?" Sienna asked, worried as to why the Gilbert was acting like this. Lexa turned to face Sienna. "Sienna.. I need you to find Stefan, tell him.. he's here.'" Lexa ordered as Sienna hesitantly nodded, before walking away.

Lexa hung up her phone and ran out of the exit, as Sienna watched, frowning. She turned to walk through the crowd, to find Stefan, but froze. Sienna bit her lip, worrying that while she looks for Stefan, something could happen to her new, close friend. The brunette turned around and ran towards the exit, to go after Lexa.

Lexa ran down the corridor, looking behind her to see if Noah waa following her. She turned into another corridor and came to a set of doors. She attempts to open the doors but they are chained shut.

She turned back around and saw Noah walking calmly towards her. Lexa groaned before she rushed down a different corridor and opened the door to the cafeteria. She ran across the room and tried to open another set of doors which were also locked. Across the room, Noah flung open a set of double doors and before Lexa could move, he vamp-sped towards her.

"I don't want to hurt you." Lexa warned, as Noah's glare on her, deepened. "Fine, you leave me no choice." She decided, as she reached forward and grabbed Noah by the wrist, before she siphoned magic from him.

"What the hell.." Noah trailed off, as Lexa said a spell under her breath, before she flung Noah across the room, with the power of her mind. "You made a grave mistake, threatening my family." Lexa said sternly, walking over to Noah.

Sienna approached a set of double doors, reaching the cafeteria, she is about to enter but froze as she looked at Lexa through the glass. Lexa continued walking towards the stranger, using her magic to keep him in place. "Who are you? Why are you after me?" The Gilbert asked.

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