084. klaus

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Natasha sat in her bed, looking miserable

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Natasha sat in her bed, looking miserable. Brooke had been with her for most of the morning, but left to take Bruno to the park while she made some phone calls based on potential leads. Damon had tried to comfort Natasha, but nothing he tried seemed to cheer her up. Before Katherine disappeared she had spat in her sisters face about how she was the weaker twin, for letting Rebekah's death affect her like this.

Alexia stood in the doorway, peering down at Natasha. "Hey." She spoke up, catching her attention. "Hi." The Pierce replied. "You okay?" Lexa asked, as Natasha sighed, before she shook her head.

"Move over." The Gilbert ordered, as Natasha scooted over, and Lexa plonked herself on the bed, beside the heretic. "Do you wanna talk about it?" The doppelgänger asked, as Natasha shrugged. "There isn't much to say.. I am miserable." Natasha replied, looking to Lexa. "The love of my life is dead, and she has been for centuries."

Lexa nodded sadly, "I'm sorry for your loss. I understand how it feels to lose somebody you really love... I wouldn't wish it upon anyone." She admitted as Natasha nodded absent mindedly, before she leant her head onto her descendant's shoulder.

"But.. Katherine is right.." She sighed, confusing Lexa. The siphoner gave her ancestor a confused look. Natasha reluctantly answered, "Kat said that despite all of my magic, I am the weaker twin... for letting myself fall in love and getting hurt. And I think she is right..."

Lexa shook her head, "Absolutely not." She insisted, before Natasha lifted her head from the Gilbert's shoulder and gave her a surprised look. "Letting yourself fall in love, does not make you weak." Alexia declared as Natasha gave Lexa a weak smile back in response, but she couldn't bring herself to believe those words.

━━━━━ ♥︎ ━━━━━

Klaus walked around Alaric's house, confused to why he couldn't find Katherine. He stopped walking as he listened hard, his eyes widening when he heard a moan.

The man raced to the other side of the apartment, pushing open a door, as he found Katherine, entangled with somebody very familiar to him.

"Isaiah." Klaus greeted, as Isaiah, who was holding Katherine against the wall as they'd been making out, let her down slowly before he turned to face Klaus. "Hello, brother." Isaiah greeted, taking a step towards the Saltzman looking man, as Katherine groaned, annoyed that they'd been interrupted.

"I haven't seen you in years, what are you doing here?" Klaus asked, as Isaiah shrugged, "I heard that my favourite brother is finally breaking the curse. Of course I came out of the shadows to help."

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