062. if you're happy, than i'm happy

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Caroline stood in the living room, as the Salvatore brothers looked at her, waiting for her to continue telling them about her most recent encounter with Katherine

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Caroline stood in the living room, as the Salvatore brothers looked at her, waiting for her to continue telling them about her most recent encounter with Katherine. "She told me to tell you both that she wants the moonstone or she will rip this town apart until it rains blood. Tonight, at the masquerade ball." The blonde said.

Stefan sighed, "She wants to do it in public. Killing Mason threw her off guard." He said "She's running scared. What she did to Jenna was desperate. She's out of tricks." Damon admitted. "We can't underestimate her. We have to play this smarter than her."

Caroline crossed her arms before she asked, "Can we just give her the moonstone so she'll leave?" Damon shook his head, "No, Katherine's not getting dick." He huffed. "I've had it. I'm gonna go to the masquerade ball and I'm gonna kill her, tonight." The older Salvatore declared.

Stefan snorted in amusement, "You're not gonna kill her." Damon looked offended to even hear that, "Don't give me that goody-goody crap." He replied. "You're not gonna kill her." Stefan repeated. "Really?" Stefan nodded, before saying "Because I am."

━━━━━ ♥︎ ━━━━━

Jeremy, Matt, Elena and Lexa entered the home, as Matt and Lexa helped lead the Sommers to the couch. "Easy. Grab the door Jer." Matt said as Jenna sighed, "Hey, stop fussing, I'm fine."

"Yeah but the doctors said that you have to take it easy." Lexa insisted, sitting beside her Aunt on the lounge. "Yeah, you don't want to rip your stitches, hemorrhage and die, alright?" Jeremy declared as Jenna replied with "Yeah, the only thing I'm gonna die from is embarrassment."


Jenna deadpanned Matt, who'd just spoken. "I walked into a knife. How does somebody do that?" She asked. Elena answered, "It was a freak accident." To which Jeremy added "It happens."

Matt chimed in now, "Yeah, I mean I've done it like twenty times at the Grill." He said, causing Jenna to laugh, but then wince in pain. Lexa put her arm around her Aunt, comfortingly. "Oh, Jenna."

Matt and Alexia stayed by the Sommers girl's side, whilst Elena and Jeremy went into the kitchen. Lexa looked at her phone, at all of the messages she had sent Sienna, and the lack of replies she had received.

"How is Sienna? Since Mason left town." Jenna suddenly asked. Lexa's shoulders slumped, "I wouldn't know.. but I'm going to take it that she isn't going very well by the lack of responses I'm getting." The siphoner blurted, before feeling instantly regretful of her words. She understood that Sienna would want to be alone right now, and not be bothered by anyone.. but the Gilbert couldn't help but to worry.

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