Chapter 3

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Yoooo Chapter 3??

I was placed with Daichi Sugawara, fukushima, tanaka. While Hinita Asahi, Kagyama, Tadaki and nishinoya were on the other side.

"so" Daichi said "What position did you play?"

I hummed "I was a libero and a wing spiker. I did a little bit of everything too. They had me block the taller spikers cause i could jump high."

"Hmh, then you'll be the libero and when i clench my hand go up as a blocker."

"ok, will do!"

The set was fairly matched. Given my height i was able to stop a spike or two. After seeing the sheer power behind Asahi's spikes i came up with an idea.

"Hey Sugawara" i said motion him to come over.

"Asahi has some strong serves, i was thinking you and tukishima block and i'll see if the spike makes it pay you. I'll volley it back to Daichi."

Sugawara paused and nodded. He relayed the information to everyone else and we set up a plan.

As Kageyama set the ball for Asahi we but the play in motion. As the pall left his hand the ball passed the first two blockers it was my turn. I bumped it and called for tanaka as he spiked the ball on the other side of the court.

Everyone on the opiate side of the court went silent. Kageyama looked like he was gonna rip me in half. Hinita was already planning how to form a new play and Asahi looked defeated. I felt so bad.

After another 30 minutes Coach Ukai called us all over. "Okay great practice today. I liked seeing new attacks and plays you guys set in motion. Y/N that save was amazing. Y/n do you have any pointers?"

I gulped, i didn't wanna hurt anyone's feelings. "Hinata i would practice retrieving balls, you looked like a dear in the headlights when the ball came to you. Uhhh Kageyama, i would set for other players too i think it would help them be more successful with their spikes."

He looked at me dead in the eyes. Holy shit this dude was scary. He inhaled and said "will do thank you for the pointers" he said with a small nod.

I took a sigh. "Sugwara and daichi, i'd be a little more assertive. If you put more power into what your doing it'll pay off in the long run. Uhh Tanaka switch up what you do, sometimes your really repetitive and you can catch on to what your doing. Nishinoya right? Uh no comment you kinda scare me."

Nishinoya gave me a shit eating grin. I shivered.

"Everyone else pratice would help a lot of you out. You guys are good but nothing more practice can't fix. Tadashi you lack confidence, you got the skill you just gotta believe and be more assertive. Tukishima, you the one with the glasses, your pretty good i'd say learn to get along with Kageyama and other better. It can make a lot of your moves and attacks way more powerful then they already are. And finally Asahi right?"

Asahi gave me a timid smile. "y-yeah?"

I had a shit eating grin on my face. " you have some scary powerful spikes. I mean look at my arms," i faced them out so everyone could get a look at the bruising, red marks and indents. "Now yes you have some powerful spikes but you aren't using your full potential. If you train harder no one will be able to stop those spikes. I would see if you could curve them too, switching up your movements and how you spike would be killer. It would take you from being a great ace to the best ace"

After going on i looked him in the eye. "Got it?"

Asahi had turned red. "Yes Y/N!" He said with a bow, "I'll do my best to improve and be the best!"

With that everyone headed back to the locker room to change. So i decided to strike up a convo with Coach Ukai. "so how did i do? Was i good? Too harsh?"

Coach Ukai turned to me "No you did great and your a good in game. Quite suprised you didn't play in highschool"

I shighed "yeah i actually played freshman year. But a few 3rd really didn't like me and made it hell. So i quite halfway through the season. I was always better at coaching than in sport. Plus i do soccer now"


I started making my way to the doors to walk home when Daichi appohed me.

"Y/n would you like to join the team for dinner?"

"Sure!" I replied "Whose all going?"

"The whole team" He replied

I smiled as we walked out to join everyone else outside.

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