Chapter 11

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I went to buy my dessert last. I put everyone on the card first. I was weird that way. Part of me did it so i could enjoy it when i was walking home with Asahi, i low he likes strawberry mango. Just as I was going to pay Asahi wakes up from behind and said "Don't worry Y/N, i got this"
I looked at him he was blushing and I could see Sugawara and Nishinoya giving him a thumbs up.
"you really don't have to Asahi, you've already done so much for me." I said.
Asahi was too flustered to say a word snd just handed the guy some cash and give him his change back. If i could get any redder i could. Asahi had payed for my stuff. That was a huge thing for me. I usually payed because i made myself the mom of the group. I covered my mouth and gave him a slight bow. Tears threatening my eyes. "Thank you"

"Y/N are you ok?" Asahi said looking at me concerned.
Shit i why am i getting emotional over something like this. A friend had bought me something, who was also my crush. Sure Kiyoko offered plenty of times but i never let her. The only time was right after my mom died she took me out and brought me coffee and we saw a movie and went swimming. But i hated when people payed for me.
"Thank you Asahi" I said forcing myself to look at him. He had caring gentle eyes and looked sad. I hoped my looks showed my gratitude. The man handed me my sorbet and I sat back at the table and enjoyed my some dessert. Everyone started leaving and Asahi and I walked togeather. We were barely 1/5 of our way on the home when i got cold. I told Asahi he could have some but i couldn't find my jacket. I probably left it when i took it off during class.
"Is everything alright Y/n?" Asahi asked.
"I forgot my jacket at school in one of my classes, i'm just a lil chilly." I said as I shuddered. I had dipped around 65. Not that hot but not terribly cold. I got cold easily.
Asahi opened his mouth and blushed. He went red and spoke " I- uh.. there's a bench up there. We can up our stuff down and i- i- Uh i can give you my Jacket if you want Y-Y/N."
I think i was blushing as hard as he was. I nodded. I hated getting help i was so embarrassed.

I put my stuff down and he took his jacket off. He held it out blushing and i took it and out it on. I was a bit big it almost looked like one of those trendy oversized zip ups. I looked at Asahi and was blushing hard.
"Wanna finnish the ice cream here?" I said "i don't wanna get it on your jacket while we're walking".
Asahi nodded.
"Here" I said grabbing a spare spoon outta my pocket. "Want some?"
"I feel bad eating ur food, it's okay Y/N" Asahi said.
i wasent taking no for an answer.
I made sure to get even parts of raspberry and mango sorbet and put it up to his lips.
"pleaseee Asahiiiiii" i begged.
He opened his mouth and grabbed the spoon.
"Oh my god Y/N this tastes so good!"
We happily enjoyed the rest of the dessert.

"So" Asahi began. "Did i upset you by buying your dessert?"

i sighed "it's not your fault. I'm just not used to people paying for me." Tears threatening to fall. I lokked the other way as i took a bit of the sorbet.
"do you wanna talk about it?" Asahi offered.
i paused, "it's sad are you sure you want to hear?"
Asahi nodded and i took a deep breath.

"My mom was real worried i'd end up being a snobby and entitled so i worked for every penny i had, doing chores babysitting ect. She always expressed her displeasure if someone else paid for me. The only person who payed for me was Kiyoko after my mom died. i've never really had anyone offer to pay and it means a lot but i feel bad because I have more than enough $ to fend for myself"

I snuggled into his jacket more. I was embarrassed he was the first person i ever opened up to besides Kiyoko. he wrapped me in a small side hug. Offering as much comfort as he could. Not wanting to overspent boundaries and make me uncomfortable. We just stayed like that for a few minuets. It was getting pretty late it was almost 10:30.
"Hey" Asahi nudged my shoulder "You doin ok?"
I nodded, I was starting to get tired and that took a lot outta me emotionally.
"Sorry i didn't respond i just had no idea what to say, and i didn't wanna say the wrong thing."
"Don't worry" I said "it's better to just say nothing instead of something if you don't know what to do."
"Well" Asahi said. "We should start heading home. It's pretty late and we have school tomorrow." He discarded the finished sorbet and we got off the bench and started walking home. It was a little bit quieter than normal. When we came to split ways Asahi spoke first.
"if you ever need somone to talk to, um you can always text me."
I gev him a smile. "thank you Asahi. Do you want your jacket back?"
Asahi shook his head. "Keep it" He said with a blush.

We split ways and headed home. I came in and my dad was sitting on the couch. We talked and he explained he was leaving tomorrow morning and apologized. I gave him a hug and reassured it was fine.
"Y/N why don't you have your friends over this weekend"? My dad said. "use the pool the weather is supposed to be great out!"
I agreed.
"Make sure to invite that guy who walks you home" my dad said with a wink.

As i finished my homework and talked to kiyoko. I got ready for bed and texted Asahi.


Hey Asahi, is there a group chat for volleyball?

Yeah! Sorry we forgot to add you sooner!
*adds to the gc*

Thank you so much !

Kurasuno Crows 🦅
yn: Hey!
Sugamama: hello y/n
Yama 🍠: Hey!!
Y/N: My dad is going outta town this weekend. I have a pool in my backyard, do y'all wanna come over?
Dachi: Sure!!
Asahi: Is there anything we should bring?
Yama🍠: Thank you y/n
Tukishima: pft
y/n: :)
Y/N: Just bring your swimsuits! And dinners on me we can order pizzas!

The convo went for a while and then i decided to get some sleep. I grabbed asahi's jacket and threw it on to sleep in. He would never know. It was just so warm and comfy, plus it smelled just like him.
For the first time in a while i slept really well.

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