Chapter 13

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Sorry guys chapters may take longer.

I woke up feeling nice and toasty. I noticed something moving in frount of me. It must've been around 7. Was that suga? He was taking a picture nodded and gave me a thumbs up. I yawned and laid my head back down. "Glasses are in the cabinet next to the fridge. " I said before falling back asleep. By the next time i had woken up it was nine. I yawned and tried to move. Shit. I couldn't move until i realized why. Asahi has cuddled me in his sleeps. I had grabbed one of his arms and we slept like that. I was a blushing mess but thankfully no one else was up quite yet. I smiled he was so adorable. His hair was in a messy bun with a few strands in his face. He looked at peace. But i had to use the bathroom and he was holding onto me. I decided to take a few photos for good measure. (god i could get used to this). I turned to face him. "Asahiiiiii, get upp" I poked his face and called his name softly. He just shifted in his sleep. J kept poking him harder this time. "c'mon ya oaf get upp" This time he started waking up. He squinted, and then blushed when he realized how close we were, i could see how nervous he was. I kinda felt bad. "shhh don't freak out it's ok" i whispered but that did nothing. He was just a blushing mess and let go. I got up snd used the bathroom. when i got out Asahi was sitting on the couch with a blanket draped around him. "I'm so so sorry y/n i really didn't-" I stopped him.
"It's fine Asahi. You kept me warm, and I slept well didn't you?"
Asahi nodded.
I let Asahi throw on the T.V as i checked to see if anyone else was up. Suga was up and scrolling in his phone. Nishinoya stole my hoddie and must've fallen back asleep. I went to check on everyone else and they were still asleep.
"Wanna help me with breakfast Asahi?" I asked.
We decide on a pancake recipe and he made scrambled eggs while I started making him. I realized his ponytail had fallen out.
"Here lemme fix that for you." I got up on my tippy toes and tied his hair into a low bun. I smiled, proud of my work.
Soon everyone started waking um. Tanaka practically ran into the kitchen.
"wow y/n i had no idea you could cook!"
so smiled. "is is nothing i can bake cakes and other cool stuff!"
Sugawara joined us down stairs. I had him put the bacon in the oven while i started making pancakes. Nishinoya was the last person down.
"DO I SMELL, PANCAKES??" He shouted from across the house. You could hear him running from upstairs.
"AHH ITS A GREMLIN, ITS SO SHORT" I yelled as i jumped up on the counter.
"I AM NOT" Nishinoya yelled.
"i'm sorry i just never saw you with your hair down, i couldn't help it" I laughed

I made Nishinoya strawberry and chocolate chip pancakes. We all sat down to eat. Asahi's scrambled eggs were good and Sugawara didn't burn the bacon.
"Should we go for coffee after this?" Tanaka asked.

"Sure" I said after finishing the last of my pancakes. "I could drive you guys!"

"You have your own car?" Tanaka looked at me surprised.

"Yep! Before we lived here it was fairly common to have a car. I got my learners permit, relearned everything and then took a driving test here. Passed and then car was my moms old car."

"That's so cool! Is it decked out like your bedroom with the cool lights??" Nishinoya asked cheerfully.

"Nope!" I said.

Everyone got buckled in. Asahi sat in the passenger seat and everyone sat in back. Nishinoya sat in the middle with Tanaka to his right.
"any idea where you guys want your coffee from?" I asked.

"DunkinDonuts sounds good" Sugawara stated.
Everyone else in the car agreed.
"Ooo is the one near the mall okay?"

Everyone nodded. I've never had dunkin before, but i passed one going to the mall with kiyoko a few times.
"Is everyone buckled in" I asked.

Everyone nodded. I backed outta the driveway and handed the aux cord to Asahi. "if you guys wants some music i gave the cord to Asahi you guys can choose."

Nishinoya asked for it and started playing some absolute bangers. It really brought the mood togeather, and i let people roll down their windows. I smirked i was a speed demon, but i waited to get outta the residential areas before i showed it.
"might wanna hold on tight!" I smirked as we turned onto the main road.

The rest of the ride considered of nishinoya cheering, tanaka excited as hell, Sugawara holding on to the handle bar and Asahi looking terrified as hell. We weaved through traffic arriving earlier than expected.

"Y/N SAN THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN" Nishinoya screamed. Tanaka nodded and poor third years looked absolutely terrified.

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