Chapter 10?

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Ahhh i write so much

I woke up and did my normal routine. I got ready. Did my eye makeup and I got ready to go. I chatted with my dad before he left for work. I made coffee for my boys. I had packed breakfast. Asahi texted me when he was on his way. I brought a change of clothes for practice. I grabbed a pair of oversized sweats and a tank top. One that made me look good. I realized what i was doing. I kinda wanted to show off my frame. The pants would be casual and could get scuffed up and the tank was modest enough that it looked good on me but not too out there that i might get in trouble for.

I made sure to grab extra hair ties.

We walked and talked having fun conversations. He was really funny and i just loved spending time with him and i hope he felt the same way.
Asahi's Pov

I was having a great time with Y/N i knew we had just met but i had a huge crush on her. But this was different I didn't feel as nervous, i just felt comfortable. I was a little worried about the game today. What if somone hit on her? How would i react? Before i could get too deep in though Y/N got my attention.

"Hey Asahi?" Y/N asked cutely.

"yes y/n?" i said before sipping the coffee.

Y/N took a deep breath in. "if somone hits on me.. or Kiyoko can you help us out?" Y/N stuttered. "i- i Sometimes i'm not intimidating enough for guys to knock it off and take the hint. I hate getting into fights and your tall enough to get them to knock it of and you look serious enough. I'm sorry this is a dumb question."

i was a bit taken a back at first but then filled with a pride. Y/N wanted me to protect her? Y/N asked me if all people??

"Yes! I promise."

The convo to school was pretty normal. Y/N handed Nishinoya his coffee and i walked Y/N to class before heading to my own. We had a lot of classes near each other. But i hoped next semester we would be in the same classes. Y/N is super smart and I mean there's a possibility.

I loved spending time with Y/N i felt like a made a great friend. Sure Dachi, Sugwara and Nishinoya were amazing friends having Y/N was like the cherry on top. Y/N always found a way to make me happy. I really liked y/n didn't i?


Time skip to practice and it's ur pov now!

I got changed into my fit. Kiyoko joined me in the gym and we got prepared for our practice game.
"Hey Y/N" Nishinoya said from across the gym. Nishinoya was one of the few people that was heading out of the locker room. Dachi Asahi and Tukishima followed close behind.
"You should really wear tank tops more your b-" Asahi punched him in the arm. "you can't say that nishinoya your gonna embarrassed y/n!"
"But it's true!"

I blushed and looked at Kiyoko and she gave me a nod. "Nishinoya's not wrong. And don't be embarrassed, you could distract the other team. If you know what i'm saying"

I blushed. I mean i might as well. it was an evil plan but so so worth it. I started helping up with warm ups and i noticed the guys were staring at me a bit more than normal. Asahi was the only one who wouldebt look me in the eye. Shit.

Within 20 minutes of the new team coming in. Most players were pretty short one other player was asahi's' high. He was a tall ginger. Kageyama teased Hinita that it was a "tall version of him". As they got set up comments were being said about Kiyoko and I. The tall ginger called us from across the gym "damn i had no idea Kurasuno had 2 hot managers."

Kiyoko and i just ignored him and the cheering. Tanaka dachi and Asahi glared at them from across the gym for us.

The game started and went as usual. We barely won the first match(19-25) but creamed them in the second match. Yamaguchi managed to score two points, and Asahi's spikes went unstopped. During the second round after noticing their flaw we creamed them 7-25. I congratulated everyone on the win and shook hands with the losing team. As both teams were helping clean the gym the really tall Ginger approached me.

"Hey cutie you got a number?"

"no thank you, not intrested" I said

He stepped closer, almost backing me in a corner. "come on a pretty gurl like you shouldn't be turning down me. I me-"

I could hear somone clearing their throat. Asahi thank god your here.
"i'd back off" Asahi said in a booming voice. He was kind of intimidating for once. He pushed past the guy and grabbed my hand and took me away.

"Why don't you sit and wait with Kiyoko and the boys will finish the rest." Asahi said.

I just nodded and Kiyoko and I talked to the end of practice. I actually need up taking the picture for her for the instagram page. All we had left was Asahi and then we would do the second years and then the first years. After we chatted and finished that we waited for Coach Ukai to call us back in. He informed us that we had a tournament coming up starting next Tuesday that would be outta town until Friday morning. We would take a bus and needed parents permission. I was excited I loved traveling.
After Coach Ukai got done talking with us Kiyoko and I talked about our ideas, and commentary on the game. Since we won i offered dessert on me. Tanaka and Nishinoya were the most excited. Before we got done cleaning up i pulled Asahi aside.

"Thank you so much for earlier with that dude." I said looking at the ground.

"No worries, and i'll always be there to help" Asahi said with a smile "although that was a lil scary"

"Anyways before i forget, want me to take your picture for the instagram page?" I asked.

"Sure!" Asahi said with a smile "but idk what to do or how to pose tho."

I smiled I had an idea.
"I'll get a picture of you spiking the ball, it might take a few tries tho."

Asahi agreed and we spent the next 10 minutes taking pictures. They all turned out pretty good and I managed not to get spiked so i considered that a win. Kiyoko and Nishinoya were interested in seeing how they turned out.

"WOAH Y/N-SAN THATS SO COOL" Nishinoya screamed "Guys come look!"
Everyone huddled around ogling over the pictures. I blushed embarrassed and grateful of all the nice comments. While everyone headed out and walked to the dessert place Asahi and I trailed behind selecting the picture and posting it with the details. After that we caught up to the rest of the group.

The rest of the night was fun. Getting to eat dessert with the team and everything was fun and I paid using my card.(ps your really $$$ and never have to worry about $$)

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