Chapter 4

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I walked outta the Gym with Daichi and joined the others. It was a little quite at first. But slowly the conversation started to pick up. I was being asked questions. Daichi started first.

"So y/n are you originally from Japan?"

I paused "No, I was born In Italy. But we traveled so much after that."

"Well" Said Sugawara, "tell us more!"

"Okay!" I said with a smile. I was born in a small town in italy. Then we moved to spain for a few months. We then moved to german til i was 2. My dad landed a job in the united states and we moved all across the US from ages 3-10. Due to his buisness we traveled a lot, both in and outside the US that's why my english is pretty good."

"NO WAY" shouted tanaka "could you help me with my english homework??"

"well sure! I don't see why not!" I said with a smile.

I began to finish telling the story"Then when i was about 12 i moved here and have lived here ever since! I went to the same grade school as Hinita actually!"

"OHHHHH!" Said Hinita "I remeber practicing with you! I always admired your determination"

"Yup!" I gave him a soft smile.

Tukishima then butted in. "so why didn't you try out for the volley ball team if you were ^So good^"

I gave him the stink eye "If i kicked that dumb grin off your face would that answer the question?"

Tukishima stopped right in front of me . "You gonna answer my question?"

Before i could respond Asahi stepped in front of me.

"Cmon man Y/N really doesn't wanna share, let's just drop it."

"Eh whatever" Said Tukishima as he join the small group that formed in frount.

I had a giant ass blush on my face. this dude barely knew me and stood up for me.

"i- Thank You for doing thatAsahi" I said.

"Don't mention-it" he said with a smile.


We made it to the dinner and placed our orders and ate. It was so much fun getting to know every one and I enjoyed watching the team. Everyone was amazing funny and had great personalities. I understood why Kiyoko loved this so much. They were really a great group of people.

"Do you mind if we all take a video and say [Get better soon] to Kiyoko?"

Everyone agreed and I was able to capture the photo, it was dorky but amazing.

"I see why she never shuts up about you guys" I said with a genuine smile.

Tanaka practically screamed from across the table "KIYOKO-SAN TALKS ABOUT US?".

"Uh yeah!" I said "i've watched your guy's games before. She always has such nice things to say and funny stories to tell."

The convo kept flowing after that. I told them the games i've seen, how i met Kiyoko and the whole deal. As things quoted down and stated to head home it was me Tanaka and Asahi left.

"Hey Y/N"

"Yes Tanaka?" I replied.

"can you tell Kiyoko I hope she gets better soon?"

I gave him a smile "of course i can!"

"Thanks" He said and walked away quickly.

I turned to Asahi. "Last one?"

He nodded.

"Tanaka really likes Kiyoko doesn't he?" I said. "And don't worry I kinda already knew who he was. Kiyoko and i would see him in the halls."

"Yeah, he can be a bit of a dork." Asahi said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Anyways, i'm heading home" i said "nice to meet you Asahi! see you tmr!"

I started walking to my house. I had to walk past a park with fountains, brick wall, small stores ect. It was probably a mile walk or so. I must have walked a block or so when i heard something"


I turned around. It was Asahi. He was beet red. He walked a ways until he caught up with me.

"I'm so so sorry Y/N i just realized we walk the same way when we walk home. It's kinda dark out and it might not be safe for you to be alone. God i'm sorry i don't mean to be creepy. I though it would be creepier if i was just walking behind you i- i-"

"Hey don't worry about it man! I live a mile up the road so company would be nice. And i get it , i actually hate walking alone at night, so your basically doing me a favor." I said giving him a smile.

The rest of the night was filled with small chatter. Mostly a relaxing silence and we struck up an convo here and there.

"Anyways this is my house thank you for walking with me Asahi!" I said.

He gave me a nervous smile. "anytime y/n, have a good evening!"

"You too!"

And with that he continued walking up the street.

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