Chapter 19

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Y/n pov

By the time we got there it was 11:15. I woke up first feeling the bus stop. I was warm I went to turn but felt something on my head. Asahi. He had fallen asleep on me. It was cute we were both resting on each other. I just smiled and went back to to sleep. I woke up a few minutes later to Asahi nudging me awake. We collected our things and headed inside. The boys and girls rooms were

Kiyoko and I spent an hour talking and catching up. We played some video games until we got tired again.

"You should wear Asahi's jacket on the court and make people jelous. Plus it'll stop creeps from hitting on you"

"That's smart!!" I paused "What if he doesn't want me wearing in infrount of other people? What if i'm reading into this?"

Kiyoko bonked my head "You can be so dense, he clearly likes you."

I blushed "I'm not to sure, he's probably just being nice."

Kiyoko face palmed. "The both of you are too dense. You get more anxious about this stuff then Asahi. I never thought you could be shy."

"i- i'm gonna get water, this is making me to nervous. " I stated before walking tit he hall.

It was pretty barren there. No one was around. I got a water and hinita walked up beside me. We had a nice convo before he jumped snd held onto me.


I gasped. There was a looming figure a couple rooms down. There was a bathroom to the left or right but i was too tired and outta it to be alone.

"IDK HINITA" I said "Quick get on top of the vending machines"

Wihthing a minuet we both sat ontop of the vending machines. we were both paranoid and the figure made its way too us. I texted Asahi that we were being followed by a ghost. Just as the figure made its was to us I screamed.

"ITS SO SCARY GO AWAY" I closed my eyes and hugged hinita.

Soon a voice below us said "Really pfft i cant be that scary."

Hinita opened his eyes. "Oh it's just Oikawa"


"I snorted "not if i don't know who you are" Hinita and I laughed. I saw Asahi making his way to us and smiled.

"soo, who are you?" Okiawa said in a flirtatious tone.

"not interested" I said

"oi come on you have to know who i ammmm" He teased.

"Oi, what are you doing Oikawa" Asahi said.

"Oh nothing just introducing myself to this cutie" He said with a smirk

I gagged.

"Screw this" Hinita said and he jumped to the floor.

"so your just gonna leave me up here hinita?"

He nodded and walked back to the rooms.
"Can someone help me down?"

Asahi and Oikawa were having a stare off. Oikawa reached his hands up. "let me help you doll"

I said eww and Asahi took the hint. I put my hands on Asahi's shoulders and he grabbed my hips and guided me down. Oikawa scoffed and walked off.

"Thanks Asahi that dudes a creep" I said

"Yeah that's just Oikawa" He said with a nod

Asahi walked me back to my room and offered a hug which I gladly took. I love the way he smelled snd how warm he was. After a minute we broke the hug and he was on his way.

I came back into the room with the biggest smile on my face. Kiyoko had already fallen asleep and soon i nodded off after. I was excited for the teams we played tomorrow!

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