Chapter 8

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I woke up earlier than expected this morning. i was feeling more anxious than usual. I joined my dad and chatted with him. He was going outta town for two weeks in just a few days. We talk and I decided to do my make up. I did something different. I played with some Mascara and eyeliner. Doing notably subtle make up. Usually outside of school go with more dramatic looks. I put on my uniform and grabbed a change of clothes for practice. before making the coffee i grabbed my phone. Asahi sent me a text

Thank you so much Y/N for bringing me coffee the other day. My mom bough a bunch of bagels Yes. Do you want any?

Yes! I would love some! And i'll bring you coffee too! And I already made and packed Nishinoya's!

Thank goodness he would've cried if you forgot. Anyways my mom makes strawberry Jam, so you want me to put some on your bagel?


Ahaha! Noted! I'll be on your street in 10 minutes or so! See you soon

(Asahi's Pov)
Usally i'd be too scared but thank god.
And she loves strawberries. I could invite her over to help pick from my moms straw berry bush. Ahhh
Nope nope nope
I got myself ready internally freaking out.
My mom gave me a kiss on the cheek and wished me luck.

(Back to your Pov)
I was sitting on the stairs everything packed and ready. I held the coffees creamers and sugar in my hand. I saw Asahi round the corner and I smiled. Mmmm food, i was so happy. He gave me my bagel and I gave him his coffee. Most of the walk was filled with silence as we enjoyed.

Asahi spoke first "You makeup looks really cool!" He said i between a sip of his coffee.

"Thanks!" I said "God this Jam is to die for. It's the best thing i've ever tasted"

Asahi smiled "I'm glad you like it Y/N"

"Where did you say you got this again?" I asked.

"Oh uh, it's actually home made! My mom and I pick the strawberries and then we make the jam from scratch" He said seeming embarrassed.

"Hey" I gave him a nudge "There's nothing to be nervous about it's really good. and it's good to spend quality time with you mom too!"

He gave me a smile. "Yeah"

We made our way through the halls when Nishinoya practically sprinted outta no where. "YN YN YN, DO YOU HAVE THE COFFEE?"

"Well yes i do!" I said pulling outta my bag.

"You make up looks so so so cool! And your eyes are so cool! Look asahi the color"

I blushed " ahhh thank you but i should really start heading to first period! Thank you Nishinoya and thank you for the breakfast Asahi!!"

I was genuinely happy for school for once. I talk to Sugawara, Dachi Asahi and Nishinoya between classes. I'd join for lunches but it depends on classes and everything. I grabbed Kiyoko's work for all her classes and wishing the 30 remaining minutes i had between lunch I decide to walk her work to her house. I had grabbed the pass to leave when i heard footsteps. I turned to see Tanaka??

"Y/N! Wait!" He said "I uh got these for Kiyoko" It was a small card, flowers and a mini chocolate bag.

"Aww that's so sweet Tanaka, would you like to join me?"

Tanaka went beet red. "I uh um" "Yes I just don't want her to see me."

"that's fine, she dosent live too far, i'll make you wait a block because i'm keeping her address private."

On the walk there we struck up small convos and i told him to wait while i dropped the stuff off.

"Oh my god! Whose this from?" Kiyoko's Said. Small tears threatened to fall.

"Everyone said to tell you that they missed you and signed the card, but a special somone got you the rest" I said

"Awww i- this so so sweet. I'll let you go i know you gotta get back to school but i'll see you tommorow. Bye Y/N!"

"Bye Kiyoko!"

I made my way back to where Tanaka was standing and we started walking back.
"so uh Y/N did she like it?" Tanaka said nervously.

"Oh yeah it made her tear up a bit . It made her day." I said

"Thank you Y/N!" Tanaka gave me a huge hug. Was he crying?

I stood there and hugged him back and we started making our way back to school. Asahi was waiting near the steps for me talking to Dachi and Sugwara. Was he blushing?

"Hey Y/N!" Sugawara waved.

After we entered the doors and we all walked together back to our classes. They walked me all to my classes.


"By the way guys Kiyoko should be back tommorow! She's feeling a lot better." I said

"wait" sugawara grabbed my hand. "Does that mean you'll be leaving us?"

I looked at Asahi he looked... Jelous? "yeah Y/N, are you leaving after this? We were talking and. uh we were all hoping you would stay."

I blushed. "really?" I geared up a bit. I was actually wanted? Dachi nodded and sugawara gave me a nod. " i guess that settles it! I'll stay".

Everyone cheered and i was overwhelmed by hugs and somone had managed to pick me up off the ground and i had realized Daichi Had hoisted me on Asahi's back. I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep me from falling. Nishinoya kept trying to jump up with me.

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