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After hanging out with Tanaka for a bit Kiyoko and I decided to go to bed. It was pretty fun, and Kiyoko and Tanka actually had a conversation instead of dorky one liners. Before going to bed I sent Asahi a text.

Hey Asahi, I'm so sorry if I did anything to upset you. Can we please talk this out?

I flipped my ohone over and charged it before going to bed. God this was stressful. I spend most of the night sleeping shitty. I got up to take a walk in the hall way to clear my mind. And you know it. Asahi was there, i was at a crossroads he didn't see me yet. I turned swiftly and made my way back to my room. As i was opening the door I saw him outta the corner of my eye. He looked rough. We made eye contact. I began to tear up again.

Asahi winced, As the tears began to fall down my cheeks. I averted my eyes and made my way into the room. I felt like it was my fault.

"Wait-" I heard ever so quietly. I paused and looked at him. Tears threatened to roll down his cheeks. I closed the door and stood out until the hallway facing him.

"Im sorry" He Asahi said. Looking everywhere but at me. "i- i" He covered his mouth.

"Why are you sorry?" I whispered. "Why did you run and leave?" I sighed "did i do something wrong? did i offend you?" I begged at this point. "please tell me, I want us to still be friends we can put this behind us if you want"

Asahi nodded and covered his mouth. Oh. Just friends? I thought to myself. "Can we talk more of this out Asahi? i- feel like you hate me and i don't-"

Asahi hugged me. He held the back of my head against his shoulder and I stayed there. "I'm sorry" He muttered. "i- was scared you'd hate me, and I didn't wanna get rejected so i ran. I understand if you don't wanna be friends anymore or-"
I hugged him back tighter.
"no no no, i was so happy, and when you ran i thought i did somthing or you regretted it and wanted nothing to do with me." I said
"God no Y/N, i was worried you'd be upset"
"I never was" I said giving him tighter.

He pulled away and said "we should probably get some sleep it's really late"

I nodded "at least we can sleep in"

"Goodnight y/n" Asahi said with a smile

"See you tomorrow Strawbery Asahi"

Asahi walked back to me and gave me a big hug and kiss on the cheek before hurrying back to his dorm. EEEEEEE i was so happy that was adorable. I snuck back into the room quietly and fell asleep with a dumbass grin on my face.

Strawberry Fields Forever🍓          Asahi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now