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posting early i had a bad night

I woke up super excited. I woke up earlier to wish my dad luck before he left. He left me money for dinner and keys to the car in case i needed. I made coffee per usual and packed my bags for practice and school. I made Asahi his coffee, and made sure to bring Nishinoya his. Asahi texted me he was bringing bagels with Jam i was super excited. I threw on his jacket and waited on my steps until he snapped my that he was on the street. I walked and met him. He walked talked and ate our food. I was so happy and talked about how glad i was that everyone was coming over. We kept talking and made our way to the door. Nishinoya charged at me.
"Y/N where's my coffee??. You didn't forget right??"
I smiled and gave Nishinoya the coffee.

Sugawara walked up and punched Asahi in the arm. Asahi and I were bright red.
"I'm sorry Asahi I totally forgot, do you want it back?"
He shook his head "Uhh give it back to me after you find yours"
I nodded.

I was totally oblivious that Nishinoya took pictures of me in Asahi's jacket.

I made my way through classes. Tukishima approached me. Hmm. "Y/N come here" and motioned me to join him in an empty hall.
"What's up Tukishima?" I walked politely.
"Tell Asahi" He said.
"Be more specific Tukishima." I said sternly.
"You know, freshman year?"
my blood began to boil. "How'd you find that out" i mumbled
"over heard from a girl in my class. She noticed you were wearing Asahi's jacket."
"Shit!" I was so scared. was she gonna tell everyone now
"Tell him or I will" Tukishima threatened.
"No, and you better not open ur mouth or i swear to god" I threatened.
"why not?" He pushed the issue.
I paused. I let the tears fall. "i'm not losing all my friends again"

Silence hung in the air. Passing period was almost over.

Tukishima placed an arm on my shoulder. "No ones gonna hate you, your not the only bi/pan person on the team"

I walked to the bathroom and sat in the corner and cried. It wasn't a sad cry it was a melancholy cry. I calmed myself down and went to rest of my classes. I grabbed my jacket and carried it until practice. Practice went good! I had a fun time and we all convinced Kiyoko to join the pool party i was holding. We got done early and texted all the info in the GC. The earliest people could come over was at 5:45 after practice. Asahi walked home togeather as usual. I sent everyone directions to my house and got dressed. I wore my cutest suit. I wore a cute bikini top and swim shorts. I threw on an oversized shirt as a coverup until everyone came. I brought out all the towels i could just in case anyone forgot any.

Asahi and Kiyoko were the first people over. We hung and played wii until and set out bags of chips and guac. I hat Kiyoko make sure my suit was on tight. I did the same for her. When we were in the bathroom she nudged me. "you wore Asahi's jacket"
I blushed "Yeah" I smiled.
"well did it smell good? did he ask you out when he gave it to you??" She asked
"It smelled so so good! And no he didn't why'd yoh ask? I gave her a confused look.
"Some dudes do that to mark their territory when they go out with a girl"
"Ahhhhhh, i never though about that!"
We dropped the subject after that and came out of that bathroom.

The first people over were Tanaka and Nishinoya, and everyone else was there in 10 or so minutes. By 6 everyone was over.

"WOAH Y/N, your house is so nice! Is your dad a millionaire or something?" Hinita gasped. Kageyama hit him upside the head for that one.

I shrugged. "I don't know he runs a successful company. And i'd shut up because he did buy us dinner tonight."

Everyone cheered. We all agreed to swim in the pool first. Tanaka was shocked by the dive of the pool. It had a deep end as deep as 20 ft, a diving board slide and a rock wall to jump off of. Shallowest being walk in and the deep way 20ft. Tanaka and Nishinoya were the first in the pool. pushing each other to go off the slide first. Kiyoko hung out on the too of the rock wall and laughed af the two making a fool of them self's. Soon everyone was in the pool, i was doing flips off the boards and everyone was having fun. Even Tukishima made an appearance with Yamaguchi. Everyone was having fun in the pool. After an hour or so we decided to do chicken fights.

"Ok i wanna go first, who wants to be my partner? " I asked openly Kiyoko raised her hand and i had her sit on my shoulders.
"Whose going against us?" I asked . Nishinoya and Tanka were the first ones begging. Nishinoya got on top of Tanakas shoulders and Daichi counted us down. "3 2 1" It was an all out brawl.
What the boys didn't know was Kiyoko and I worked out together a lot. So pretty easily Nishinoya was kicked down into the water. After 2 more tries Kiyoko and i were deemed the winners. Everyone was going and at was fun kiyoko got to verse people and it it was so fun :)

After a while i wanted to be on top for chicken. Kiyoko backed out because she was ordering pizza for us and didn't want to be in the pool much longer. Asahi was open. "Hey Asahi wanna be my partner for chicken?" He gulped and nodded. Perfect! It took us a minute but we figured it out. Daichi gave us a thumbs up. The first people asahi and I went up against was Yamaguchi and Tukishima. It was a close one and Yamaguchi and i both landed in the water. Next was Tanaka and Nishinoya. We beat them easily. Next it was Dachi and Sugawara and it was pretty fair but we managed to knock them over and cheered. Sugawara and Daichi switched this time and knocked me off. This time Daichi and Tanaka teamed. Tanaka and I were evenly matched. As well as Asahi and Daichi. It was going on for a few minutes until i went all out and shoved Tanaka as hard as i could. Unwilling to give up Tanaka grabbed at me. I moved my arm in time and he missed but caught my swimsuit top in the process. Shit my top is gonna come off. I grabbed onto Tanaka and fell off Asahi's back even though he was trying to keep me on. As soon as I landed in the water i made sure to get as far under as I could. I made sure to cover my chest as best I could before I came up. As I started to reach the surface i could hear Tanaka frantically apologizing. He was so embarrassed and didn't even mean to. Asahi picked up to what was going on and and i realized kiyoko had gone inside.

"Asahi can you tie my suit please" I felt so bad for asking him. He was so clearly flustered.
Nishinoya cheered but Sugawara shushed him. I felt as it all eyes were on me. I was holding my suit top to my chest and begged it wouldent slip. I felt Asahi's fingers ghost my back as he grabbed the strings. I had him pull and tighten the top before he tied it. I asked him to tie it really tight and knot it to be sure. God i was so embarrassed but no one besides Tanaka, Asahi and Nishinoya cared everyone stared for a second and went on with what they were doing. Kiyoko popped her head out to tell us pizza would be here in 20. Everyone started getting outta the pool so we all wouldn't be soaking by the time pizza got here.

Kiyoko joined us outside but changed into her normal clothes. She informed us she was leaving at 9:30. She recommended that I start a small bonfire using the fire pit. I agreed. I sent Hinita and Kageyama to collect the logs and sticks. Tukishima got changed and dried off and yamaguchi followed. Everyone else just sat around and dried off. I got the fire going and set up chairs around it. I used my towel and sat by the fire to keep warm. Kiyoko and i chatted and I took care of the pizza. I brought pizza's as well as appetizers back and everyone chowed down. It was a great pizza place. Everyone just chilled. Kiyoko left and soon it was just me and the rest of the guys. I really didn't mind. Most people chilled in the pool or around the fire. I got back in the pool and we all vibed and played music. Tanaka decided to play music. One of the songs in his playlist was pretty vulgar. But it was in english and he couldn't understand a word and I was just laughing my ass off.
"what's so funny?" Asahi asked as he swam next to me.
"Oh my god, Tanaka is singing a song about dicks. He doesn't understand real well does he?" I laughed.
Asahi and I just started dying of laughter.

After a while everyone dried off. Some people took showers some people didn't. Everyone just enjoyed the bonfire. It was getting pretty late close to 11. A few people (tuskki, yamaguchi, hinita kageyama, and dachi.) I asked the tet if they wanted to stay the night.
"Hey guys it's pretty late and i'm too tired to drive so you guys wanna just spend the night?"
Everyone agreed since there would be no practice tmr morning. Asahi offered to walk home if I was too uncomfortable having him over for the night. I swatted his arm. I assured him he was fine and let everyone settle in. Tanaka fell asleep on the reclining chair. I let Nishinoya sleep in my bed against better judgement. I offered Sugawara my dads spare room and i let Asahi take the couch. I was going to sleep on the mat on the floor. But Asahi and I bickered about who would sleep on the couch. We come to an agreement to sleep on separate sides of the couch. It was big enough that we had plenty of room between us. I offered him a blanket but he declined saying he was warm enough. I shrugged suit yourself. At about three am i woke up to light tapping on my shoulder. Asahi asked if i had another blanket cause he had gotten cold. I was so tired i just motioned or him to get under with me. I didn't give a shit i wanted sleeep. It was a huge comforter and i thought nothing of it.

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