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The next game wasent until 2:30 the following day. Everyone was excited because it gave us time to walk around the city we were in. Everyone headed back to their rooms so they could shower and change to hang out around the city. Kiyoko and I chatted in the room. Later at night the remaining teams were gonna head rip to the pool and our team had been invited too. I changed into a cute but comfortable outfit for the city.

Kiyoko and I met up with the group and we decided to take a bus down town. It was a 10 minute drive, about a 25 minute walk downtown. I sat down with Kiyoko as the rest of our team got on. I looked at Asahi, he looked so dreamy. He was wearing black shorts a light blue tank top and a off white zip up. I smiled and waved and he did the same. He sat with Dachi and Suga. When we finally got downtown we stuck in our group. First we headed to the food market near the pier. Kiyoko left me to talk to Daichi and Suga, so Asahi joined me.

We chatted and decided to get egg rolls and potstickers. Asahi and I sat and ate together and kept an eye on the rest of the group. Everyone was doing their own thing but we were all meeting back at the bus around 8:30.

after finnish on our roof we decided to go to the resided on the pier. They had cute boardwalk games and loads of fun rides.

"Wanna go on some rides Asahiiii" I begged.

He looked nervous but nodded. I smiled with excitement. I grabbed his hand. "come on! Lets go!"

We went on the tilt a whirl first, asahi spun the wheel and we were tossed around. I kept bumping into him and it was quite funny. Asahi had this dorky smile on his face, he looked so cute. Just the way his hair was, his smile and god i couldn't stop staring.

Next we went on a drop ride. It was super tall and they would drop and slide the ride. Asahi gulped.

"Scared of rides?" I teased.

Asahi looked embarrassed. "kinda i don't like drop rides or rides that go high up"

"Well I find them scary too Asahi, but i say we still do it! Imagine all the fun stuff you'll miss out on just because your scared!" I said

Asahi nodded "yeah..."
He reluctantly followed me to the ride.

"it'll be fun!" I teased

He looked so nervous like he was about to puke.

"juts know i'm only doing this for you!" He said teasingly

We pushed the seatbelts in and we were in real tight. As we went up it wasent that bad, the view was absolutely stunning. you can see the water and the beautiful skyline. I looked at Asahi and smiled. He looked terrified, and grabbed my hand. I blushed, that was new usually I grabbed his hand. Just as we were having our moment- WHOSH
we were dropped. I screamed as loud as I could and jokingly looked at asahi. He was death gripping my hand as well. As the ride came to a stop he sighed and let go of my hand.

"So asahi" I teased. "Whatcha think?"

"Can we go again??" He said cheerfully.

And that's how the next few hours went going on all sorts of rides and we had so much fun. It had to be one of the best days of my life i was so fucking happy.

After a while we decided to play some carnival games.

"Which ones your favorite?" He said pointing to the line of the stuffed animals.

"Ooo that one!" I pointed to the biggest one.

He smiled and started the game. It was the clown game, get as many clowns down as you can throwing a ball and you win. Asahi absolutely killed it. I mean his throw and aim was intense. He won and let me pick the prize.

"Thank you Asahi!"

"No problem y/n" he said handing me the jumbo stuffed animal.

After a while we had won a huge bag of prizes and still went on some more rides. It was getting late so we decided to hit another food place. Carnival food was always the best.

"Let's do the Mad House!" I said begging Asahi.

"Sure! Lets but our stuff down real quick"

We went in snd it was one of the best i've been too. It had the mirrors walls. I took a corner too quick and his the wall. Asahi grabbed me and held me up right.

"You okay y/n" He said blushing.

I nodded, we lingered like that for a moment until we saw a kid running through. Kid ran right into the wall all and both gasped and helped him. We continued through the house and all the tricks and turns. It was amazing. We went down the slide and the last part was the spinning tunnel.

I garbed his had and we walked through. Since it was spinning it was hard to not fall over. Asahi lost his footing and fell i tried helping him but i fell too. We were tumbling togeather laughing trying to get our footing. By the time we mad it out we were blushing and just laughing messes. I had to admit it was pretty funny.

"You okay y/n?" Asahi said with a laugh "you fell pretty hard and rolled"

I nodded. His arm was just above my hips as we walked side to side.

"I mean it's your fault dork, you fell first"

Asahi rolled his eyes. "God this was so fun y/n definitely something we should do again!"

I nodded.

We went on 4 more rides. The boat ride that sung you back and forth. We went on the highest level and we were flying. It was crazy. Asahi held on to me right to make sure i didn't fall cause the seat belt was too loose. The next one was starship 3000, we spun so quick we were glued against the walls. I convinced him to flip upside down with me. it was amazing. The next one was the freak out. A spinning circle that flipped you around and over. God the thrill of it to die for. And finn aly the one i was scared of. The ferris wheel.

We sat opposite of each other. When we got to the top the cabin rocked and i moved to the same side as Asahi.

"what's wrong y/n" Asahi asked.

"I hate when ferris wheels rock, i had rides where i'm not strapped in, feels dangerous.

Asahi chuckled. "outta every ride this one scared you the most"

We went around 2 more times before the cabin stopped at the top again. It rocked and I held onto Asahi's arm. He blushed and looked down at me. He wrapped his arm around me instead.
"is that ok, if your uncom-"

I shook my head and leaned on his shoulder. He looked down at me and smiled.

Ashias pov

All i wanna do is kiss her right now. The way here eyes shine and how adorable y/n looks-

Y/N pov

i flinched as the cabin moved and we started moving to the ground. Our cabin rocked again so i stayed as close to Asahi as I could until we got off.

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