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I got up this morning more excited than usual. I made my way down stairs and i made breakfast for my dad and I. I spent some time with him and got ready for school. I kept an eye out for Asahi. After pulling everything together I made my way to my front step looking for him.

After waiting 5 minutes i decided to make two coffee's. There was still a lot of time before school started. I bright a little creamer and sugars and sat on my frount steps waiting. After scrolling through my phone for a few minutes a man bun came into view. I made my way down to where Asahi was.

"Good morning Asahi!" I said, so excited i had a new friend and somone to walk with.

Asahi looked over at me like a ghost. He looked like he had a rough night. Although his appearance was fine his eyes gave it away. "Good Morning Y/N". He said offering a gentle smile.

"You okay?" I said softly.

"Mphm" He paused "Yeah just a rough night i couldn't sleep."

"Aww" I paused "Here, I made you an extra coffee while i was waiting for you this morning. I brought extra milk and creme."

Asahi looked at me with the most genuine look. A small tear made the way to the corner of his eye. "Thank you Y/N, that's the sweetest thing somones ever done for me"

"Don't mention it, did i have enough creme and sugar?" I asked.

"Yes, i don't put a lot of stuff in my drinks just a little so it's not so bitter. What about you?"

"I like my coffee straight black, or iced black coffee" I said proudly. But it was because adding too much milk or sugar in my coffee gave me a stomach ache.

Asahi shuddered.

We continued walking. We passed by some beautiful scenes and made our way to school. It was nice. We enjoyed small talk and the beauty of the morning. We made it to the entrance of the school and was greeted by Nishinoya.

"no way you guys got coffee togeather this morning" He said in a chipper voice.

Asahi looked to the side and scatched the back of his neck. "Uh not technically, Y/N brought me coffee from home."

"That's so cool!" Nishinoya chimed in. "can you bring me one Y/N! One with alot of creme and sugGARR.!"

I let out a laugh. "sure! I'll bring it to you in a thermos so it stays warm tomorrow. I'd text me to remind me tho!"

Nishinoya elbowed Asahi in the side. "Owow what was that for" Asahi grumbled.

Nishinoya gave him a look.

"oh well uh." Asahi said, he looked a little panicked. "I-" he took a deep breath. "could i have your number or uh snapchat? That way i could remind you and if we walk home we can wait for each other and uh... i"

"Um hell yeah! I was just about to ask you." I said with a smile.

Asahi handed me his phone and i put my number and name in. Y/n L/N and i took a quick picture and saved it as a contact. Then I pulled up snap and added myself. I handed my phone back to Asahi.

"There ya go!" I said. I was really happy. I made a new friend a new who was attractive as hell. I got his number and his snap!

"Thank you" He said with a bow.

"ahhh don't worry about being so formal!" i said blushing.

He looked at his phone and went hmm.
"you don't go by your last name?"

i sighed "No, i was so used to everyone calling me by my first name so i stuck with it."

"I mean that makes sense, and i think we lost nishinoya" said Asahi.

We made our way into school and to our classes. I smiled Asahi and i snapped each other back and forth throughout the day. Often with cursed pictures with Nishinoya.

After i grabbed everything from kiyoko's classes and put them in the bag I noticed Asahi and Sugwara were waiting for me at my last class. We walk started up convos and made our way to the gym. I helped set up as everyone got changed and it was a normal practice. I worked with everyone including Asahi.

After Practice was done i sat on the steps and waited for him.

Random number
Hey it's Asahi, I'll be out in 5. Sorry if i'm taking to long!

No worries! I'm talking to Nishinoya rn. How does he always have so much energy 😖

Strawberry Asahi
Beats me! Please don't tell me he convinced you to put the nickname in.


"Nishinoyaaaaaa"  Asahi yelled.

"And with that my friend i'm out!" nishinoya said. "I gave him that Nickname Cause he always turns red like a strawberry. but i didn't tell you that"

By the time Asahi had run out to scold Nishinoya he was long gone.

Strawberry Fields Forever🍓          Asahi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now