Chapter 16

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Kinda a filler

My day was boring. I slept so well after that night. I think he almost kissed me the other day. The way he was looking at me and holding my waist. Or maybe i was just being weird. I just felt so bad he looked like he was about cry. Was i stupid for wanting him to kiss me? I texted Kiyoko and she came over and we talked. We made cookies for the trip tomorrow and i told her what happened last night.

"WAIT WHAT" Kiyoko screamed.

"what do you mean??" I said "He just looked at me with a weird look on his face and then almost cried"

Kiyoko sighed "he was probably trying to flirt or kiss you and chickened out"

I almost fell over "WHAT"

"YES" She yelled back. "ARE YOU OBLIVOUS Y/N"

I nodded and she laughed. "Asahi's shy so it probably took so much courage, i can't believe it"

I shrugged and squealed. We kept talking excited snd playing video games for the rest of the day.

Asahi's Pov

I spent most of the day with Daichi and Sugawara. After Noya spilled everything in the group chat we all decided to meet up and hang out. I was pretty excited.

"Wait" Daichi stopped me mid sentance. "Did you give her a hoodie?"

I nodded. "Why did i do something wrong?"

Daichi shook his head and Sugawara gave me a playful punch.

"Dude i'm so proud!" Sugawara raved. "You used to be too scared to even talk to girls now look at you!!"

I gave a shy nod.

"soooooo" Daichi teased "what are you gonna ask y/n out?"

i blushed. "i- i um maybe? I mean we've only been friends for a week or so. What if she doesn't actually like me?"

Suga shook his head and smacked the back of my head. "Dumbass" Suga paused "Shes so into you, i mean she asked me for the pictures of you two cuddling, and the way she acts definitely hints that she's really into you."

"You think so?" I asked

"YES" Daichi and Sugawara yelled in unison.

Time skip timee

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