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I was excited to wake up. Had that actually happened last night? It was around 9:00am. Kiyoko texted me that she and the seniors were going on a walk discussing what will happen next year. I went back to sleep for a bit before getting ready for breakfast.

I texted sat at a table in the corner enjoy breakfast. It was nice, i could see everyone coming in and out. I enjoyed my favorite breakfast and the coffee wasn't bad either. I saw Nishinoya and Tanaka round the corner info the dining room. Tanaka waved and I waved back and they made their way to grab food. I joined them because i could NOT get enough of these delicious foods.

The boys really didn't say anything until we sat down.

"Are you ok?" Nishinoya asked first.

Tanaka slapped his shoulder, "come on man don't be so forward"

"Owwww" Nishsi say rubbing his arm.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" I said grinning.

The two boys looked at each other and then back at me. "Well you know" Nishinoya said before Tanaka inturrupted. "Well you were pretty upset last night and so was Asahi. I mean he was a mess and then he left for a bit and i think we were asleep by the time he might've come back."

I blushed. I hadn't told anyone.

"Oh, it's fine now" I said drinking some water.

"Sooooo, did anything happen" Tanaka prayed.

I shrugged "Well i saw him in the hallway and we talked it out"

"No way! Did you guys make out" Nishinoya said excitedly.

I shook my head, "nooo" and laughed.

Tanaka punched Nishinoya and in the arm again. I cahnged the subject as we finished eating our breakfast and made my way back to the dorm. Kiyoko said they would all be back soon so I got ready for the day. I got into comfy but cool athletic clothes so i could still help setting up and things.

Time skip cause i'm lazy

Kiyoko and I got ready for the next match. Everyone sat watching the match beafore our game started getting a good feel of the team. I was one of the first few people there and enjoyed some snacks while waiting. I was really focusing on one of the players when I noticed somone sat down next to me. I finished writing and looked up. It was Asahi. His hair was tied in a messy man bun.  He looked really cute.

"long time no see y/n" He said with a smile

I grinned and gave him a hug over the seat. "it's so good to see you"

He blushed. "So i, uh"
He grabbed something from his bag. It was some candies, a cute braclet and a flower.

"Awwww Asahi you didn't have to" Tears welling up in my eyes. That was one of the sweetest things someone did for me.

"I just" he paused "Just wanted to get you something as sweet as you"

I blushed, thanking him.

"I'm sorry Asahi, I didn't know when I'd see you next so I didn't get you anything"

He shrugged. "Well" He took off his newest Kurasuno Jacket and put it around my shoulders. "you can wear that for me and keep it warm"

I grabbed his hand and thanked him. "Can i kiss you?" I asked. He blushed and nodded. We shared a short but loving kiss, before watching more of the game.

Time skip

Asahi and I started warming up early. I tossed some sets to him, and he seemed more on top of his game than ever. A few people trickled in to join us but no one said anything. It became a full on scrimmage s practice while the other team set up. We had a team meeting I pointed out the other teams strengths and weaknesses. We should be able to beat them. I wished everyone good luck and squeezed Asahi's hand before he went on the court.

We struggled the first half and we barely won 20-25.

"Okay guys t his is what i'm thinking, we need more switching up of everything. This team thrives on the fact we are not spontaneous enough" I said.

Most people nodded and agreed and Ukai developed a plan. I brough Hinita, Kageyama, Asahi, Tanaka and Tsuki aside.
"You all need to switch things up a bit. The other team made notes of your guys strengths. So do anything to be more spontaneous and not tatick to your regular moves. Tsuki wait until they've almost made their hit before jumping to maximize your height. Hinita and Kageyama, try a new special attack or pace it different. Repeating the same move isn't going to help us and only use it when necessary.  Asahi and Tanaka, throw them off. You two are good spikers but trick them and make them guess which one of you is gonna spike the ball. Tanaka and Asahi I want your spiking ability at full power to scare the other team. Got it?"

"HELL YEAH" Tanaka shouted.

Everyone else got ready for the second set. I next time kiyoko, while everyone lined up.
"so, you two have made up" She said giving me a nudge.

"Yup"" I rolled my eyes and laughed "How did you know?"

Kiyoko giggled "I may have forced it outta him this morning"

"You did nottt" I said teasingly.

"So he basically told me, Suga and Dachi everything. And we may have helped him pick out some of the stuff he gave you."

I blushed, that was so adorable.

"Sooo" Kiyoko stated "Are you guys officially dating orr?"

Shoot I didn't even think about that. "Hopefully! Should I ask him after the game??"

She shrugged, and we got back to paying attention to the game. We were doing a bit better than the last round. The advice I had given was working even though we let up a few points. By the half of the round it was quite stressful. The other team had gained a bit of a lead and we were neck and neck. Ukai called a time out.

I made my way to Asahi. He seemed frustrated, and you could see he was at a breaking point.
"Hey your doing great" I said holding his hand. He looked down and shook his head, "i'm letting everyone down, I'm gonna cost us the game"

"Asahi, it's never a single persons fault when a game is lost. Your being way too hard on yourself." I squeezed his hand. "You got this. You go out there and kill it. Use every single emotion you can summon and use it. Go all out in your spikes. I want you to hit that ball so hard that when someone tries to stop it you snap their fucking fingers. Your the biggest and strongest person of both teams, give everyone a person to be scared of what you can do"


Both of us were a little embarrassed but shrugged it off. Kiyoko and I did our best to get the team riled up before everyone go ready.

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