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Sorry this is taking so long i've been having some personal issues come up!

It was getting pretty late so Asahi and i made our way back to the bus stop where we met with the rest of the team. We sat and talked on the way home. He even walked me back to my room, and carried the prizes we had won.

"meet back here in 30 minutes?" I asked

"Sure!" Asahi nodded.

We got changed to head to the pool party held by the other teams. I was wearing his jacket from earlier with a cute swim top and comfy swim bottoms. Asahi was wearing red swim trunks with his hair tied back and a white shirt. We talked and laughed as we made our way up to the pool on the balcony. We were greeted by a few kids from apoosing teams. Asahi and I jumped in the pool the first chance we got, and splashed some of our teammates in the process. As the night went on i caught a few people how to do flips off the board,  someone ordered pizza, and played a few rounds of chicken, water polo and more. 

Asahi and I sat next to each other in the hot tub for a while and I teased him. God he was hot. The way his hair sat framing his face and mmmm those muscles. We sat talking to some of the other players in the tub. There were teams from all over, we talked about our best movement in our times. It was so much fun. After a while we all moved back to the pool. Asahi and I joined some people in a water volleyball game. It was so fun! I set up some spikes and it was really funny watching Nishinoya club people so he wasn't too far under the water. I grabbed Asahi's hands every time we scored and hyped each other up. We ended up winning and I got to sit on his shoulders. He blushed and smiled as i teased everyone else for loosing. I played chicken against another kiyoko and one of her friends and won. Asahi and I battles and won almost every round.

time skip cause i'm in pain

Kiyoko pulled me aside to let me know she was heading to bed. She gave me a big hug and went off to the dorm. She gave me the key to the room and I put it around my neck. I was about to join everyone else when Asahi pulled me aside.

" What's up Asahi?" I said with a smile.

"Oh i um-" Asahi said rubbing the back of his neck. His face was beet red.

I blushed too, he seemed flustered. I held his arm. "you okay?" I asked

He nodded but did not speak. He grabbed my hand instead and lead me to the railing. It was beautiful. You could see the city and the fair we went to earlier too.

"Wow Asahi the view is beautiful!" I said with a gasp

Asahi muttered something under his breath.

"hm? sorry asahi I didn't hear you" I said turning to him. he was already looking at me. A weird look covered his face, and he sighed. He placed some of my hair be hind my ear and i blushed. Before i knew what was going on his lips met mine. He grabbed the side of my head as he kissed me. His lips leaving a soft and simple kiss. He pulled back as quick as he had started.

"i- i- i-" Asahi stuttered. "I'm sorry i sh" and left to go back inside.

I stood there stunned. Did that really just happen? He moved so quick and i was processing everything that just happened. Holy shit! I looked around for him and left following him. "Asahi wait" I shouted as I called after him. No avail i didn't see him so I went to the room and knocked on the door. "Asahi are you in there, can we talk. Please?" I begged.

"Shut up y/n some of us are trying to sleep" Somone shouted. It was probably tsukishima.

"Sorry have a good night!" I said snd walked away.

As I walked down the hall I couldn't help but cry. Did I do something wrong? I felt awful.

Just then Tanaka and Sugawara rounded the corner. I turned around and walked the other way. I walked quickly just to get outta there but I felt a hand in my shoulder.

"What's upppp Y/" Tanaka paused. "Shit  y/n are you okay?" he looked concerned.

I did my best to wipe my tears and nod. Sugawara and Tanaka both walked with me until we got back to the pool. We swam far away from everyone else and I told them both what had happened with Asahi.

"So what your saying is he kissed you apologized and left?" Sugawara asked.

I nodded. Tanaka laughed. "Seriously, god he cracks me up sometimes"

"I'll talk to him after I dry off" Sugawara offered. I agreed, and soon after he left for the room.

Meanwhile Tanaka and I talked and goofed around for a bit. "it'll be fine y/n" tanaka offered. "He probably just chickened out and didn't want you upset."
I mean it made sense. Tanaka and I walked around for a bit before walking back to our rooms. We grabbed some snacks from the vending machine and he gave me a side hug and reassured me everything would be ok. I thanked him and we joked around until i was at the door, i opened it up and Kiyoko was standing there.

"Hey kiyoko what's up!" I said cheerfully.

She smiled "I was just about to grab some food and drinks from the vending machines."

"Welll why don't i walk you ladies over!" Tanaka teased. "I'll protect you ladies from the evil"

We both rolled our eyes and laughed.

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