Chapter 40

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Tobias POV

I take a deep breath as I see all of the others walking down the isle, starting with Will and Shauna, they look so awkward together it makes me want to laugh.

Next comes Uriah and Marlene. Those two..... Yeah never mind..... They kiss passionately before splitting up and then running back into each other's arms..... I roll my eyes and suppress a laugh as they finally split up again.

Next I see Caleb and Lynn, wow..... Those two should date.... You know, if Lynn wasn't dating Peter and Caleb wasn't dating Cara.

The final couple, of our bridesmaids and groomsmen is Christina and Zeke. I actually laugh this time, they look more awkward than Will and Shauna, and suddenly I'm glad that I don't get stuck with any of them.

I get my Tris.

I finally begin walking down the isle by myself, considering my mother, who faked her own death, couldn't bother to be here for the event. I smirk at Zeke and Uriah as I walk up and take my place, waiting for my gorgeous girl to begin walking.

I see a small girl and boy walking together, the flower girl and ring bearer, I remind myself. Tris insisted that we have them, I honestly could have done without, but Tris was dead set on having her two young cousins in the wedding considering that Anna and Augustus were too young. The boy is towing a small white wagon behind him, I grin when I see what sits inside of it.

Anna and Augustus.

Anna is wearing a small dress that matches the bridesmaids, while Gus is wearing a little suit that looks similar to the groomsmen.

I watch as they pull the small wagon to the bridesmaid's side, as Marlene, the only one good with kids, takes Anna into her arms.

They then pull the wagon over to the groomsmen's side, and I watch Caleb take Gus into his arms.

The thin screen that was blocking me from seeing Tris while I was back there is quickly removed, leaving me stretching my neck and standing on my toes trying to catch a glimpse of my Tris.

And finally, after the pianist stops playing whatever garbage that they were playing before, I hear the classic song that all brides walk into wedding with.

I grin and bounce on the balls of my feet, anxious to see her. Zeke hits my arm, chuckling, "Calm down, Four, she'll be here soon enough." I feel my cheeks heat up and I see Zeke smirk, "You need to stop, she's coming soon."

As soon as he says that I see her, the most beautiful girl in the world, walking in my direction.


My heart tells me to run to her, but mind tells me that that's not appropriate for right now.


I know what y'all are thinking, "OMG FINALLY THIS ASSHOLE IS POSTING A NEW CHAPTER!" And yes, I'm sorry for the wait. I honestly didn't start this until a few days ago.... Oops..... So yeah, here is they chapter.... I'll try to update soon.

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