Chapter 33

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Four POV

Eventually we went to school, dropping Anna and Gus off at Tris' parents house. As soon as we walked in Christina ran up to us, "Hiya!" Tris smiled slightly, "Hi, Chris." After our brief meeting she ran away, probably to find Will or whatever. We saw Marlene and Uriah walking together and we smiled at each other. Tris dropped my hand and went over to Mar to discuss whatever it is that they needed too, leaving Uriah and I to be awkward. We both just stood there, not knowing what to say until the girls came back, smirks plasters on both of their faces. I gave Tris a confused look and she just smiled and dragged me to class while shouting, "Bye!" To Uriah and Marlene.
The day went by fast, not very much happened, until lunch. We were all sitting there having a good time, until Peter came over and sat on the other side of Tris. "Hey, Stiff, you mind giving me some tips on sex? I know you have plenty of experience." I frowned and pulled Tris closer to me, my protective instinct coming over me. Tris looked like she was going to cry as she said, "You are a coward, Peter, don't ever talk to me again, or I swear to god I will hurt you." Peter smirked and said, "Wow, you're getting pretty gutsy, eh?" Tris rolled her eyes and turned back to face me. He looked to me, "And you, number boy, you got any tips?" I clenched my teeth, "Yeah, yeah I do. Don't talk to us. Or I will fuck you up." I felt Tris giggle slightly at my side and Peter got up, "Yeah right." I got up, facing him. He looked scared as i spoke again, "You wanna bet?" He shook his head and ran off, I don't understand why Lynn's dating him. I sat down again and Tris wrapped her arms around my waist tightly.
After lunch we head to the gym, our last period class. Since Tris can participate now, we split up and get changed.

Tris POV

I walk into the locker room and I am pinned up against the lockers. I scream out and look to the person who's choking me. I've only seen her once, but I recognize her, "Lauren?" I manage to choke out. She smirks, "Yeah you little slut." She lets me out of a choke hold and I run to the door, trying to escape and she grabs me by my hair, "Nuh Uh." I scream, but no one can hear me, "What do you want?" She smirks, "Four, duh." I turn and give her a look, "Why would I do that?" She grins evilly, "You want to live don't you?" I grit my teeth, "Not if you get Four." She raises an eyebrow, "How would those stupid children live without their precious little slut of a mother?" I scream, more in anger than in pain and I turn around and slam her into the locker, "Don't you ever talk about my kids!" I walk back to my gym locker and change while Lauren is still recovering and once I finish, I stomp on her finger as I walk by, "Whoops."
I walk out and look to find Tobias. He looks over at me and comes running over, as I look at him, tears begin pouring down my face. He pulls me into a hug, "Tris?" My lower lip wobbles, "S-She tried to choke me...." He looks confused but then realized who I'm talking about and he kisses my forehead as I speak again, "She wants you. I said no. Then she asked me if I wanted to die.... I said I do, as long as she can't have you. Then-The-Then..... S-She insulted Anna and Gus....." I look up at him and he's fuming, "I'm not letting her just get away with this, Tris." I sigh, "I know..." He hugs me tight again and the coach speaks up, "Attention! We will be playing capture the flag. Captains are Peter and Four." I look to Tobias as he walks over to the center of the gym, "You can have first pick, number boy." Tobias grits his teeth but says, "Tris." I walk over beside him as the rest of the teams are picked.
Our team consists of:  Uriah, Marlene, Christina, Will, Tobias, and I. The other team consists of:  Peter, Drew, Molly, Al, Lauren, Shauna, Lynn, and Zeke.
Our team walks outside and we form a plan, making us split into groups of two, boys and girls. We split into these groups:  Uriah and Marlene, Christina and Will, and Tobias and I.
Tobias and I decide to climb up the backstop for baseball to get a better look. I begin climbing and Tobias follows close behind me. Once we get to the top, which is angled so we can sit there, we sit and look for their flag. I glance over at Tobias and he gives me a sympathetic smile and I sigh, "Tobias, it's fine. Really it is." He sighs as well and puts his hand on my thigh, making me relax, "Tris, it's not okay for her to do that. I'm not going to let her live it down." I sigh again, "Fine. I give up. You'll get your way anyways, you know my weaknesses better than I do." He smiles slightly and kisses my cheek, "What weaknesses? I don't see any right now. I can see mine though.... This height is killing me." His eyes fill with panic and he looks over to me and his breath quickens. I grab his hand, "Tobias, shhhhh, it's okay. I love you. It's okay." He begins to calm down and I look into his eyes, "Ready to climb down?" His eyes show panic again but he calmly says, "Yeah, I'll go first." He begins climbing and so do I. We're about halfway down when one of the older rusted metal pieces breaks and I am left dangling there, "Tobias!" I scream. He looks up, his eyes showing worry and panic as he says, "Tris! Hold on!" He climbs down and holds out his arms, "I'll catch you! Trust me!" I take a deep breath and close my eyes as I feel my hands lose grasp on the rusting metal pieces. I scream and worry, he's not going to catch me.... Is he? That's when I feel the wind go out of me.....

Heyyyyy! So yeah I gave you a cliffhanger. You're welcome. 😁

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