Chapter 14

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Tris POV
We're heading to school and I'm driving. I told Tobias to sleep on the way there because it takes about 30 minutes to get to school in a normal day but in the morning it's crowded with traffic so it takes about an hour to get there. We finally arrive and I wake Tobias. He's extremely grumpy and doesn't want to wake up but I persist either way and finally get him up. "Sorry. We're not gonna let you skip the second day of school," I smile slightly when I say it. "Fine," he says and I just hope no one messes with him today, or me actually because that seems to be the bigger problem at the moment.
We walk in together and Peter, being the idiot he is, comes up and starts talking to me again, "Hey it's the stiff! What a pathetic little girl you are." I see the look on Tobias' face and I know this isn't going to last very long, "Don't. Touch. Her." Tobias sounds extremely pissed off. Peter continues, "Wow, Four, your standards must be pretty low for you to be dating this thing," he gestures to me. Tobias punches him right in the face and takes me away from him. He pulls me aside, "If he talks to you again, just hit him. Okay? Don't let him push you around." I nod, "I didn't this time because I have you to protect me," I smile as I say it and kiss him right in the lips and he pushes me against my locker. I hear Peter's posse chirp in as soon as they see us, "Oooo look! It's a stiff romance!" They laugh but Tobias and I keep kissing right until the bell rings and we have to go to English. I grab my stuff from my locker and we head to class.
It's the same old boring class it was yesterday except today the teacher is assigning us books. Turns out we're reading some good books this year. Mostly fandom books, which I love!

We're reading:
The Fault In Our Stars
The Hunger Games
Paper Towns
The Giver

The only book I haven't read on the list is The Giver. I'm excited to read them in class though. The teacher says that these are the only Young Adult books that we will read this year and that we will read one in each quarter of the year. Once English is over we head to history to learn about whatever because I couldn't help but stare at Tobias the whole time. We got assigned seats so he sits on the other side of the room. On the bright side Christina sits near me, even though this is our only class together. After class Tobias looks at me funny. "What?" I ask. He smiles, "You were looking at me the whole time." I blush and turn what I assume is an extreme shade of red, "Y-You saw that?" I look down. He puts an arm around me and smiles, "Yes and I thought it was adorable. " I smile and hug him. We walk to the next class, Pre-Calculus, and sit down next to each other. I look up at him and I can tell he is tired and wants to fall asleep. I whisper to him, "Tired much?" He nods and leans on my shoulder, "I just need sleep. We aren't even halfway through the day." I nod and kiss his forehead. He closes his eyes and falls asleep... Great... Now I actually have to pay attention to make sure we don't not learn anything. I take notes and 5 minutes before the bell rings I wake him up and he thanks me and just sits there in a daze for the rest of the class. The bell rings and we go to our next class, Heath, and we are doing a stupid project. Tobias and I are partners but we aren't doing anything. I let him sleep and pretend to work for the entire class. I wake him up and he thanks me again and we head to lunch.
We sit down with our friends and Christina looks at me, "Tris?" I look up at her, "Yes?" She looks at me again, "Have you gained weight?" There it is. The first person to ask. I look at Tobias and he shrugs. Christina looks from me to Tobias and back to me, "Wait? Tris? Are you?" I freeze immediately and look at her, "A-Am I what?" Christina looks at my stomach then back up to my face, "Are you pregnant?" I freeze. I cling to Tobias' hand. Christina gasps, "You are aren't you!" I don't know what to say so I look at Tobias and he nods for me. "You two are having a baby!? Oh my gosh!" I shoot her a look, "Well don't scream it! You're the only person here who knows!" I whisper/shout. She nods and glares at Four, "You did this to her?" He nods and looks down. I give him a reassuring squeeze of the hand and he looks at me. Everyone else is in awe or surprise or in complete hatred of us at the moment. Uriah smiles slightly, "You guys should name it Uriah, you know, if it's a boy." I roll my eyes. At least not everyone's mad at us. Zeke gives Tobias a look of disapproval, "I can't believe you, Four." He gets up and leaves the cafeteria. Everyone else was fairly happy except Shauna and Lynn I guess. They followed Zeke out of the cafeteria. I bite my lip and clench Tobias' hand. Everyone's congratulating us and asking us weird questions. Marlene asks, "What does it feel like? You know, like to have a baby in your stomach?" I shrug, "It just feels weird, I guess?" Once we're finished with our mini-interview, we eat lunch and I feel sick to my stomach, "T-Four..." I manage to say in a groan. He looks at me and immediately knows and guides me to the bathroom so I can throw up. Once I'm finished I sit on the floor with him. "Thanks for not calling me Tobias, even though I like it when you say my name." I smile slightly, "No problem, I was afraid I would say it because I didn't think I was going to be able to control what came through my mouth at that point." We both laugh and make our way back to the lunch table to finish eating. Then we go to our next, and last, class. Which is Gym... I gulp because we didn't have gym yesterday, we had study hall... Tobias senses me being insecure, "Just tell the gym coach if you want. You won't have to deal with this crap anymore." I nod and go up the the gym coach when no one else is near him and tell him that I'm pregnant. He nods and tells me to sit in the bleachers because I'm still required to come to class. I sit and watch Tobias throw a football to his friend and shoot a jump shot at the basketball hoop. Once he's done he comes over to me and smiles, "Lucky you, you get out of gym class for almost the whole year." I smile slightly and kiss his cheek, "I love you, Four. Wow that feels weird to say." He laughs, "It's weird to hear. And I love you too Tris." After class we go home and I let Tobias sleep.

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