Chapter 50

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Tobias POV

Life is too short to wake up with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, and forget the ones that don't. Believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get the chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. No body said life would be easy, they just said it would most likely be worth it.

The people who told me that life would be easy, they were wrong. Just as wrong as the people who told me that life isn't what you expect it to be. Everyone expects life to be easy and to receive everything that you have ever wanted, but they were wrong. You have to work your ass off to receive anything.

And that's what I have done. I've worked my ass off in order to receive the greatest moments and memories of my life. I toughed it out with my father, pushing myself to my breaking point, only to receive something wonderful, a wife and a family. Which was so worth it, it is so worth it.

Tris is my reward for all that I've done to get here. My regrets? None. They don't apply any longer. I used to think, back when we were going to have Gus and Anna, that I would regret everything. I thought that having a teenage relationship that ended with the girl being knocked up was the worst-case scenario.

But it's not.

It's quite possibly the greatest thing that I ever could have done. I am happily married, being only seventeen, nearing eighteen. Yes, I am quite young to be able to make these promises of forever and always, but I stand my ground. I will be there forever and always. I will always be there.

Here I stand, seventeen years old, a wife and two children, with another on the way. And here I stand, stronger than most men in relationships. Men who are in their early thirties, and struggling to keep their wives happy. But here I stand, happy as can be and keeping my wife, my love, and my light, happy as she can be. I'm always there for her, and I plan on it being like this for a good long time.

And I don't ever plan to let go.


Pregnancy and planes do NOT go together.

Tris can't sit down for more than five minutes without having to throw up. And the turbulence isn't helping much either. And I'm not helping much while I sit here, panicking because Tris refused to sit in the window seat.

I'm going to be sick. I think to myself. This isn't an okay thing. I continue. I jump up and rush to the bathroom where Tris currently is and bust the door open, throwing up in the toilet beside her.

"Oh, Tobias!" She exclaims, throwing her arms around me once we've both retched enough. "I keep forgetting about your fear of heights, I'm so sorry, I should be there for you, I really should," she mumbles as she hugs me tight.

"It's alright," I assure her. "I'm not doing much to help you with your morning sickness so I guess we are even," I say, smirking slightly.

She presses a kiss to my cheek, "I'm sorry," she whispers.

"It's fine, Tris, really. I'll be okay," I mumble into her hair.

"Maybe we should stop traveling by plane, with your fear of heights and me always being pregnant, we could totally avoid this," she says into my chest.

I smile slightly, "That is very true, love, but our car isn't exactly something that you would take everywhere on a road trip, it's a gas-guzzler, Tris," I say, chuckling.

She smiles again and starts giggling, throwing her head back, laughing, "That is very true," she says.

I smile and sit up, "Do you think it's okay to stay in here for the rest of the flight?" I ask, pulling her into my lap.

"Probably not, but who's going to stop us? We never follow the rules anyway," she says and giggles.

I smirk, "Hey, we got the most wonderful things from not following the rules, love," I say thinking of Anna and Augustus.

She smiles, "Yes we did," she says and kisses my cheek quickly.

I grin and pull her close to me, "Are you feeling okay?" I ask her.

She nods slowly, "I'm okay, for now at least," she leans into me and I place my hand on her stomach, rubbing my hand in small circles. She smiles and leans her head on my shoulder, holding her arms around my neck.

"I love you," I whisper into her hair, taking in the scent of her. She smells of lavender and vanilla.

I feel her smile against my neck, "I love you too, Tobias," she whispers as she kisses my neck softly.

I hear a knock on the door, "Hello? Is someone in here?" A deep male voice asks.

"Someone's in here!" I yell out, but to no avail, he continues to open the door, seeing Tris and I tangled together on the floor.

"Oh-my bad sir, I didn't realize," he says, taking a step back.

"No, I'm sorry, my wife's pregnant and I can't exactly sit in my seat without her," I say, attempting to stand with Tris.

"No, don't worry sir, I totally get it. I can use the other bathroom if you-"

He is cut off by turbulence, which causes Tris to throw up all over me.

She continues to throw up, as the man stands there wide-eyed as Tris retches on me, covering my shirt and pants with vomit.

I stand there, biting my lip as she continues to retch. I rub her back and slowly guide her to the toilet, holding her hair back and rubbing circles on her lower back.

I glance towards the doorway and see that the man has disappeared and that the door is now closed.

How is it that the greatest things in our lives, take the most out of us? That the most amazing things in our lives, come from the toughest situations?

I don't understand it, but I do come to peace with it.

Because one day, it will be worth it.


A/N: Need ideas, please help. Debating on whether or not to end this book or not. Please message me and comment ideas. Not updating until someone gives me an idea, and not you LauraPriorLynch because you give me all of my ideas!!

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