Chapter 13

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Tris POV
The next month flies by in a flash. I'm starting to get a small belly from the baby but it's so small no one asks. We start school tomorrow and Tobias has decided that he is going to drive us everyday. I don't know what to thing. I'm afraid for high school but I'm excited at the same time. Today flies by quickly and the only thing I remember is Tobias kissing my cheek goodnight because we had to go to bed early.
I wake up the next morning to an angry Tobias. "Tris! You were supposed to get up 20 minutes ago!" I look down, "Sorry... The baby makes me extremely tired okay?" He nods and comes over and hugs me, "It's okay. Now let's get you dressed for school, eh?" I smile and go and get changed into my normal outfit, a tank top and a pair of jeans, nothing extraordinary. Once I'm ready, we grab our backpacks and rush out the door and go to the car. I'm pretty sure Tobias is going at least 80 just so we can make it. I squeal slightly because I'm getting motion sickness. "Tobias, stop the car. Please." He looks concerned and stops. I open the door and vomit. Once I'm finished I close the door. "Please don't go that fast again okay?" He nods slightly, "I'm sorry, Tris, I forget sometimes." I nod, "It's fine, Tobias, really. Just don't so it again." He nods and obeys the speed limit the rest of the way to school. We go to the office and pick up our schedules. Thank god they're exactly the same. He guides me to our lockers and mine is three lockers down from his. I put my backpack in my locker and walk with Tobias to our first class.
We sit next to each other as the English teacher gives us a boring speech about what we'll be ready this year. Then she tells the class that there's a new student this year, meaning me, and she has me stand up and introduce myself. "Hi, I'm Tris." The teacher smiles and I sit back down next to Tobias. The next class is history where the teacher also gives a boring speech and has me introduce myself. We do this for each class until lunch when we find our friends and sits with them. They ask us multiple questions about where we have been and why we haven't seen them. And we give normal answers by saying we were really busy. I feel bad for lying to them but I don't want everyone to know about my pregnancy yet. By the last class of the day I stand up to introduce myself and I have to go and throw up because of all the motion. Tobias follows me to the garbage can as I vomit then go and sit back down and the teacher wants me to go to the nurse but I refuse and he just goes back to giving the boring speech.
At the end of the class I get up and walk out and Tobias is talking to an old friend and a boy comes up to me and says, "Really? Motion sickness? God you're pathetic." I glare at him, "I'm not pathetic. So don't call me that." He lifts an eyebrow, "Yes, you are. And how in gods name did the all mighty Four end up with you? Why would he like you?" Just then Tobias comes through the door, "Don't touch her Peter. Or else." He glares at us and walks away. I hug Tobias tight. He looks at me, "What did be say to you?" He asks. "He called me pathetic and asked how I was dating you." He looks pissed off but he continues to speak, "Don't talk to him. Okay? He's a bad kid." I nod and cling to Tobias. We get home about 30 minutes later.
Once we're home, or well once we're at the hotel, I immediately plop on the bed and Tobias sits next to me. "What was his problem?" I ask. He sighs, "He's a jerk. Don't listen to him. You're not pathetic." I nod, "I won't listen to him, but I am pathetic." He sighs, "No you're not, Tris. You're the strongest person I know." I shake my head, "He said I'm pathetic because I got motion sickness that easy, Tobias." "Tris, we both know that's not true. You're pregnant. You can't help it," he says and wraps me in his arms. I begin to sob and he's pulls me closer and I continue to sob. "B-But what's going to happen? I don't want this. I don't want people to make fun of me Tobias. Why do they do that? Is it because I'm small?" I ask through sobs. He sighs, "I don't know Tris. I don't know. I'll protect you though. No matter what. I'll be with you through everything." I hold onto him and eventually calm down. Tobias picks me up and lays me down on the bed and I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
Four POV
Once she's asleep I get up and sit on the couch in our hotel room. I think about this whole situation. She's pregnant. The thought finally consumes me. I'm going to be a father. Just like my father... What if I turn into him? What if I beat my own child? What will happen? Will Tris leave me? I sigh and get up and pace back and forth.
I pace until morning and Tris wakes up, "Hey." She smiles sleepily. I smile slightly, "Good morning sleepy head." She frowns, "What's wrong? Did you sleep?" She asks. I sigh. I can't keep anything from her anymore, "No. I was up all night pacing and thinking." She give me a look or concern and asks, "Do you want to talk about it?" I nod slightly and sit on the bed, "I was thinking about, well, everything. Mostly about the pregnancy thing. I kept thinking that I was going to..." I stop myself but Tris has those pleading eyes that make you trust her. Which I do anyways. "I thought I was going to become my father. And beat our child, Tris. What if I do? I kept thinking about that, then I thought:  What if Tris leaves me because of that? I could never live like that." She hugs me and whispers, "That's never going to happen, Tobias. I know that because you're worried about it, which means that you're not going to. You don't want to, so you won't. And even if, you do... I won't leave you. I'll stay with you till my last day." I smile slightly, "Just know that if I do, ever beat our child, that I want you and the child to leave, okay? I don't want to hurt either of you." She sighs and nods slightly, "It won't happen so I'm not worried. Now c'mon. Let's get to school. I'll drive if you want." I smile and nod, "That'd be great." How did I get such an amazing girl? How do I deserve her? She's perfect. I'll never know I guess.

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