Chapter 19

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Tris POV
After about 3 weeks with the babies I have to go back to school. Tobias tried to stay the whole 3 weeks but I wouldn't let him. I decided to call my mom for the first time since I found out I was pregnant. I wanted her to babysit the twins for the day. She picks up almost instantly, "Hello?" She asks. "H-Hi mom," I say hesitantly. "Tris! Oh my gosh! How are you? Are you okay? Have you had the baby yet? How's Tobias?" I laugh slightly, "We're fine mom. All four of us." "Four? What are you talking about?" I smile, "Mom, we had twins." She squeals with excitement, "Really? Oh my gosh! What are the names?" I laugh a bit at her excitement, "Their names are Anna Natalie and Augustus Cato Eaton." "Awwe those are great names Bea! So why'd you call? To tell us that?" She asks. "I wanted to know if you could watch the twins for the day while Tobias and I are at school tomorrow. Could you?" I ask. "Of course, Bea, I would love too!" Thank god. "Thanks mom! Umm. I guess we'll drop them off on the way to school tomorrow." I say. "Okay. Sounds like a plan! I love you Tris! I'll see you tomorrow!" She says. "Love you too mom. See you!" I say and hang up. Tobias looks at me, "What was that about?" I smile, "My mom's going to watch the twins tomorrow. While we're at school." He tenses a bit I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck, "It's fine, Tobias, she's the only one who was semi-excited about them." He nods and kisses me softly on the lips. I kiss back and I hear the babies crying. The life of teenage parents is not fun. No sleep. No time for studies. No time for anything really.
We both groan and go to the babies. I take Anna and he takes Gus, that's what we call Augustus. Anna needs to be changed and apparently Gus is hungry, so, we trade babies and I breast feed Gus, which I'm still getting used to. Tobias changes Anna and comes over to help me, even though I don't need any help. I burp Gus and put him to sleep. Tobias rocks Anna for a bit and puts her to sleep as well. After that I collapse on the bed and Tobias lays next to me. "You ready to go back?" He asks. I shrug, "I don't know... I think so... But I'm not sure..." I lean on him as he nods. I fall asleep within minutes. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day...
I wake up early and remember that I actually have to go to school today... I tense up and can't move. Tobias wakes up a little while after and puts his arms around me, "Nervous much?" I nod but still can't move. "It'll be okay ,Tris, I'll be there for you the whole time." I nod and still can't move. He looks at me, "Do I have to get you dressed and ready too?" I shrug, "You might have to... I can't move. I really can't." He nods and picks me up, "I know how to get you to move." He slings me over his shoulder and brings me to the bathroom. "What are you doing to me? Tobias?" I say but he slows tips me upside down so I'm about to go head first into the toilet. I scream, "Tobias! Stop!" He laughs but keeps going. My head is literally inches from the water. "Tobias! This isn't funny!" I scream and eventually move my arms so I'm hitting him and I begin to squirm in his arms. He laughs and sets me down. I smack his arm, "Don't do that again." He smirks, "Ouch. That hurt." I mutter, "Better have." I walk out and change into normal clothes then have Tobias help me change the babies. We each carry one out to the car and buckle them in their car seats. I have him drive to my house to drop them off. Tobias carries the babies and I carry the diaper bag. I knock on the door and I hear shuffling inside. Then my mom opens the door, "Hey guys! Oh my gosh. Are these my grandkids!" I smile and nod. My mom smiles, "Oh come in! Come in! I have Tris and Caleb's old baby stuff in here so I should be all set. Can I hold one of them?" She asks. I nod and Tobias hands her Anna. She smiles widely, "She looks like you, Tris, but has Tobias' eyes." Tobias gives me an "I-told-you-so" look. I roll my eyes. She's still smiling, "So this is Anna?" I smile and nod, "Well, mom, it was nice to see you but we have to get to school. We'll be back later." She nods and takes Gus in her other arm, "Bye! See you two later!" We walk out of my old house and back to the car once we get in I sigh in relief. Tobias smirks at me and begins to drive. I'm still worried about school and everything. Tobias takes his free hand and holds my hand, "It's going to be okay. Don't worry about it." I nod and scream but I'm too late to stop what just came into the road in front of us and crashed into us. I slip out if consciousness.

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