Chapter 11

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Tris POV
I wake up in the morning to Tobias staring at me. "What?" I ask. He smiles, "Nothing, you're just so cute when you sleep." I feel myself blush and I feel sick again. I jump up and rush to the bathroom. This better not be how I'm going to spend this whole pregnancy. I vomit and Tobias follows me and holds my hair back. God he's amazing. Once I'm done I sit on the floor and breathe heavily. He sits next to me and I put my head on his shoulder. I fight back tears and bite my lip. He grabs a towel and cleans up my face I smile slightly. I hear my stomach growl. He laughs, "Hungry?" I smile and nod. He helps me up and we go downstairs.
Once we're down there we see my family all sitting down at the table talking. My dad hears us and turns and gives Tobias another death glare. Caleb does the same. Tobias and I sit next to each other and we all sit in silence. Until Caleb screams, "Why'd you do this to her?! Huh?!" Tobias looks down and I squeeze his hand. He looks up at Caleb and doesn't say anything. My mom chirps in, "Guys do we really have to be angry about this? I mean they're having a child." She smiles but I can tell she doesn't approve at all. My dad scoffs and gets up and leaves for work. We sit in silence as Caleb leaves as well.
After a while my mom decides to talk, "I'm sorry you two but I had to tell Andrew. He's not exactly happy about it. Tobias I'm sorry but, he's making you leave. And Bea, sweet heart, as much as it pains me to say this," she pauses, "You're not allowed to see Tobias anymore." Yup there it is. My heart just dropped. And broke and burned. I can't even breathe. I don't do anything except get up and storm upstairs into my room.
I hear footsteps following me. I assume it's my mom but it's not. It's Tobias. I look up at him, my vision is blurred with tears, "W-Why are you here?" He comes over and engulfs me in a hug, "I'm not leaving. Never. I promise." I hold onto him and sob again. He holds me and comforts me. After a while I stop sobbing and just hold onto him. I just realized something. "Tobias," I say. He looks down at me, "Yes?" I smile slightly, "We're going to be parents!" He smiles, "Yeah... Oh god... We are!" He has a look of worry and concern on his face. "We're gonna be okay. I'm worried too but I'm also happy." He nods and smiles, "I'm happy too." I smile and hug him. He holds me and we end up staying like that until my mom comes in.
"Hey guys, sorry but Tobias you have to leave before Tris' father comes home." She says. Tobias frowns immediately and I hold his hand. "Does he really have to go mom?" I ask. "Yes sweetie. I'm sorry," She says. "But mom, I need him," I plead. "Tris, honey, I'm sorry but your father won't allow it," she sighs in a way that I know she means it. She likes Tobias but neither Caleb or my father does. I sob loudly and Tobias holds me. He whispers soothing words into my ear and calms me down. Once I'm calm I cling to him immediately and can see my mom out of the corner of my eye and she's in awe. Good. Maybe Tobias can stay.
My mom must really like Tobias as a person because she let's him stay and as soon as my father gets home she calls us down for dinner to discuss the whole situation.
We sit down and eat dinner first. My mom sends Caleb out because he only makes matters worse. She takes a deep breath, "Andrew, Tobias is staying. End of story." My dad is taken aback but once he recovers he screams, "No! He is not to stay here! He has ruined Beatrice!" I cling to Tobias as my parents fight back and forth. I decide to but in, "Tobias didn't ruin me! I love him dad!" My dad lifts an eyebrow, "How can you love him? He got you pregnant." I'm building up with anger, "I love him because he cares. Apparently unlike you and Caleb." I lean back in my chair and watch my father absorb the words I just said. His face fills with anger, "Beatrice Prior! How dare you say that I don't care! I probably care much more than lover boy over here," he says and gestures to Tobias. I close my eyes and feel Tobias wrap me in his arms. I hear him speak for the first time, "I ruined her? I don't care about her? Wow.... Just wow...." I cling to Tobias waiting for the worst to happen and it does. My dad gets up and screams, "If you are going to treat me like this then you both can get out! Now!" I hear my mom gasp. I feel myself hold on tighter to Tobias. He picks me up and carries me out the door and to his car, which is still parked in the garage. I'm almost glad that he took me with him, but I can't help but think about my mom because she actually liked Tobias. Tobias sets me in the passenger seat and hops in the drivers seat. We pull out of my driveway and into his. I look up and see that Marcus isn't home and I'm thankful. "Why are we coming here?" I ask. Tobias looks at me, "Well we need clothes and my fathers not home so we can grab some of mine. And maybe you can crawl through the window and grab some of your things if you want." I nod. It's a good plan. We walk into his front door and up to his room. He grabs almost everything he has for clothes as well as some blankets and money. I climb through my window and grabs some clothes and a blanket or two. I throw them to Tobias and he catches them as I climb back through the window. We gather our stuff and go back downstairs and through the living room to the door but we're stopped by something. Or should I say somebody.

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