Force Wielder

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Many borrowers think living in the jedi temple is reckless and dangerous. They say the jedi can sense a borrower deep within the walls, plus, most jedi keep their living quarters in pristine condition, but after living within the walls for months, Ahsoka figured those stories were just a myth. The jedi are hardly in their rooms, making it easy to just grab stuff when needed. And while a lot of the jedi were neat freaks, there was one jedi who usually had a messy room…
Ahsoka could never remember his name but it was something along the name of Sky guy. He was a human that loved to tinker on gadgets in his spare time. There were all sorts of screws and scrap metal lying around, also out of all the Jedi, Sky guy was the one who was least likely to ever be in his quarters. 
Sky guy wasn't scheduled to be back for another few days, so Ahsoka knew she had plenty of time to borrow some stuff she needed for a new ascension cable she was working on. 
So she made her way through the air vents until she reached Sky guy's room. She had the vantage point to see the entire room. On the nightstand by his bed, Ahsoka could see some scrap metal lying around. Perfect for what she needed! So the tiny Togruta used her primitive grappling hook to make her way down to the floor. After unhooking it, she made a dash to the nightstand and climbed her way up it. 
Ahsoka spent hours working on that ascension cable, trying to get it to work. But for some reason, it didn't want to shoot out! Ahsoka was so preoccupied that she almost didn't hear the door open. Immediately, Ahsoka dropped her stuff and jumped off the nightstand. She tucked and rolled once she hit the ground and dashed under the bed. 
Black boots lazily entered the room and began walking over to the desk, but Sky guy only took about three steps before he stopped. 
A feeling of dread washed over Ahsoka, telling her that Sky guy knew she was here. He turned over and headed over to the nightstand, Ahsoka backed further into the shadows. She knew she had to get out of this room. 
"What's this?" Sky guy muttered. 
Drat! How could she have been so stupid and leave the grappling hook on the nightstand?! Ahsoka had to weigh her options, could she slip by undetected to the door? No, he was already too close, even if she was as stealthy as she prided herself to be, he had the high ground and would spot her a mile away. The only other option would be to get to the air vent. But it was so high up, even if Ahsoka jumped from the desk there still wasn't a confirmed chance she'd make it to the vent even if she jumped! 
But it was her only option as Sky guy was already kneeling down to look under the bed. Ahsoka slipped out from the bed and made a dash to the desk. Fortunately, Sky was still examining her previous hiding spot but it wouldn't be long before he would wander over to the desk. She channeled all the energy she could to jump up to the top of the desk, then made a break for it. 
"Huh?" Sky guy had finally stood up and turned towards the desk. He knew of the little borrower now. But Ahsoka had already leapt up in the air by the time he saw. She was practically flying to the vent at this point, just a little further and she would be home free!
But suddenly, she stopped. A feeling of weightlessness flowed through her body, Ahsoka was floating in midair! She glanced over at Sky guy who had his hand stretched out towards her, his blue eyes staring right at her. Then a force seemed to push her towards him, a sense of dread formed in Ahsoka as his fingers curled around her once she got near. Once his fist closed around her, she knew she was as good as dead. 
Sky guy stared down at Ahsoka, his brown brows furrowed as if he was trying to examine her. "You're just a kid." 
"And what about it?!" Ahsoka snapped. Fear was fading and being replaced with anger. She began throwing punches at his fingers, hoping by some miracle he would drop her. 
But Sky guy just sighed and walked over to the desk and sat down. He immediately deposited the little borrower in front of him. "Now don't mo-!" 
But Ahsoka already made a break for the edge of the desk again, this time she would make it to the vent above her! However, a gloved hand slammed down in front of her and she crashed into the palm. Surprisingly, he didn't try to grab her again, instead he let her skitter back away from hand. Ahsoka looked up at him, who had an annoyed look on his face. 
"Nice try, but You're not going anywhere, I have a lot of questions." 
Ahsoka crossed her arms. "And who says I got answers?" 
"You know, you're pretty snippy for someone who's not even five inches tall." He chuckled. "Which I gotta say, I didn't know Togrutas could be borrowers." 
"You… know about our kind?" 
"Well not much... the jedi temple doesn't have a lot of information about your species." Sky guy explained. "But I'm pretty sure you're the first borrower that was reckless enough to live in the temple." 
"It's not like it was hard!" Ahsoka spat out. "I've been taking things from your room for months and you just noticed!" 
"Because you got reckless." Sky guy held his hand above her to show the faulty ascension cable. 
"That's mine, give it back!" She demanded. 
"Gotta say, you made quite a good replica of the Clone troopers' ascension cables, but I'm sure you needed it for that jump you tried to do." 
"It wasn't working." Ahsoka gritted her teeth. "It's not like I needed it, anyways." 
"Didn't need it?!" Exclaimed the Jedi. "Do you even realize how far that fall is for your size! What if I didn't catch you?!" 
"I would have made it!" She snapped.
Sky guy responded with a scoff. He was doubting her abilities and that only made Ahsoka's blood boil more! 
"You think I haven't fallen from heights greater than that?! But I've always managed to land on my feet somehow!" 
Sky guy raised a brow. "What do you mean by somehow?" 
The borrower shrugged. "I'm not sure how to explain it, anytime I've fallen, I just have a feeling that tells me the best step to surviving the fall." 
Sky guy pondered on her words before his eyes slowly widened. "You're force sensitive!" 
"What does that even mean?" 
"Listen, as soon as I walked in my room I felt a presence. It was like a little voice telling me you were in here, and I bet you did too!" 
"That doesn't mean anything!" 
"Oh, yes it does! You're strong with the force!" 
"I think you need to update your borrower history, Sky guy! What you think is 'the force' is actually just borrowers learning how to maneuver." 
"Alright Snips, maybe you're right. Borrowers are just durable creatures, but you know what isn't durable?" Sky guy smirked as he dangled the ascension cable over the edge.
He released his fingers and the contraption descended to the ground, Ahsoka shouted and reached her hand out, she felt something powerful flow through her as if she was connecting her reach towards her cable. Instead of it hitting the ground and breaking, it floated in midair, and then slowly made its way to her feet. The energy drained from her and Ahsoka fell to her knees. "That was exhausting!" 
"You need training, little one." He said. "I should report this to the council." 
"No!" Ahsoka gasped. "I refuse to be known by anyone else!" 
"But you can't just run around without control over your powers." Sky guy explained. "If the wrong people got a hold of you, it could be very bad." 
"Please, don't tell anyone about me!" Desperation was in her voice. 
Sky guy pondered on her words for a moment, then a sigh escaped his lips. "Alright, I won't tell anyone…  but only if you let me train you." 
"Are you serious?" 
"You don't want to be known, and you'll be taught by the best Jedi Knight in the galaxy." He flashed her a smile. 
"I don't know…" 
"How about I help you fix your ascension cable too, and give you anything you need to make other gadgets."
Part of Ahsoka told her to run and not trust him. But she was immensely curious about her newfound powers. "I suppose a lesson or two wouldn't hurt." 
"Great!" Sky guy exclaimed. "We'll get started tomorrow, but can I ask for your name… unless you don't mind being called Snips?"
"It's Ahsoka!" She scoffed. 
"Well I'm Anakin Skywalker, but typically a Padawan addresses a teacher as master." 
"Don't push it." 
Anakin chuckled. "You should rest now, regain your strength for tomorrow. I can place you on the bed if you'd like." 
Ahsoka shook her head. "I don't feel comfortable being grabbed." 
Anakin nodded. "Then hold on, and I'll find something to sleep on." 
He left the desk but Ahsoka had already laid her head down. Fatigue had taken over her body. Who knew that the force would be so psychically and mentally draining, but maybe with some training, Ahsoka could be as powerful as Anakin Skywalker.

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