A Fairy's Touch

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It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. It was the perfect day to go into the human's garden and pick blueberries and blueberries were Luna's favorite. So Carrie thought it would be a great idea to surprise her with them before she woke up. Grabbing her bag and tying her blue hair up in a bun, the fairy headed out for her adventure. 

She jumped out of the oak tree and flew towards the garden. She landed towards the tulip patch. Carrie didn't like flying around the garden, especially when the child could be running around. Luna got careless three months ago when she went to collect blueberries and now the little girl keeps trying to find fairies. 

The tulips towered over her as she walked towards the blueberry bushes. The sunlight seeped through the red and yellow petals, making the soil look golden. Carrie had to admit, the humans did make such a beautiful garden, she just wished the blueberries weren't so close to the house. It was dangerous to be so close to the humans, fairies were a dying race. If only they could find a colony instead of having to rely on humans for survival. 

Carrie pushed her dark thoughts aside as she arrived at the blueberry bushes. She didn't need to think about that right now, she needed to pick blueberries for her girlfriend. And luckily they were ripe enough for her to pick. They may have been as big as her head, but that wasn't going to stop Carrie from grabbing the biggest and juiciest ones. 

Once the bag was filled, Carrie decided it was time to fly up and make a beeline for the oak tree. But as she popped out of the bushes she spotted something by the human's window. It was a white daisy in a flowerpot that had pink heart stickers covering it. But the petals drooped below the stem and the leaves had begun to dry up. Obviously the child hadn't been taken care of this flower. It was such a sad sight to see this flower in poor conditions. Carrie couldn't help but do something. 

She landed on the windowsill and walked over to the dying flower. She laid her fingertips on one of the leaves and began chanting a spell that would breathe life back into the withered plant. Soon, the flower began to grow back into a healthier state. Carrie felt quite proud of her work, but then she hurt stomping from inside the house. She peered in the house and saw a little five year old girl with blonde hair and wide blue eyes run into the kitchen. Carrie gasped and dove back into the bushes and remained still, hoping she didn't just get caught. 

"Mommy, mommy, my flower is alive!" The little girl shouted. "The fairies saved my flower!" 

The sound of excited footsteps faded away. After a minute of silence, Carrie deemed it was safe to come out. She flew back up and saw that the little flower and child were gone. Carrie worried If the girl had seen her helping the flower, but maybe she shouldn't worry about it. Parents never believe their children when they claim to see fairies. For now, Carrie will just take pride in knowing she made a little girl happy this morning. 

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