Welcome Home

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I huddled in the corner of the box as my new owner stepped into his home. This wasn't something I was exactly looking forward to but it was better than being cooped up in a cage with six other humans who were always pressing their faces against the glass hoping to be adopted. I never really understood why humans wanted to be a giant's pet, it's inhumane! 
The box was gently placed on a smooth surface, followed by light pouring from above. When I looked up, I saw a young tanned man with slick back black hair looking down at me with wide brown eyes. Well, there goes my privacy. 
"Wow, you're so… cute!" 
"Excuse me?" 
"I mean, your blue hair really brings out your eyes!" He grinned. "I'm just surprised no one got you before me." 
"Oh, then I guess no one told you about me." I scoffed. 
"Actually, they gave me your entire paperwork." He flipped through the several pages of notes stapled together. "Let's see, name: Aurora… age: twenty… height: five foot five…. Behavior: very aggressive, prone to biting, scratching, hitting, and cursing… shouldn't be left unsupervised…. Oh, I didn't know you like chocolate covered strawberries!" 
"You knew all that… and yet you still bought me?" 
The giant just shrugged. "Well, yeah, you seemed like the most interesting one." 
I couldn't help but raise my eyebrow. No one has ever looked into my report and thought "wow, she seems like a human I would want to have as the family pet!" Why did this giant think I was interesting? "Sorry to disappoint, but there's nothing interesting about me."
"Well, we'll just have to get to know each other. I'm Nantan by the way." His hand reached towards me. "Why don't we take you out and I'll show you around…" 
"You even think about grabbing me and I'll make sure to break every finger!" 
Nantan quickly retracted his hand. "I'll just tip the box to the side for you to come out when you're ready. In the meantime, I'll make dinner." He picked up the box and slowly tipped it over to not jostle me. "Do you have any special requests?" 
I just shook my head. 
"Alright, well call out if you need anything." 
Once he was gone, I ventured out on the table taking in my new surroundings. As roomy as this place was, I still felt trapped. And there was no friendly smile that could change that. 

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