Healing Process

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Starting over with Stella was something Clair was looking forward to since she returned home. At first, it was a miracle that she came back, but after learning what Stella had gone through during her month of absence, Clair realized there was still a lot of work that had to be done. 

It didn't matter how softly Clair spoke, or how gentle she was, Stella couldn't help but flinch. Clair understood why, but she'd be lying if she said it didn't hurt. Her mother had told her that it's completely natural for humans to still be hesitant around giants even when they know they're in a safe environment it took years to heal from abuse! unfortunately Clair wasn't as patient as her mom, she just there was a quick way to help Stella heal from her traumas. 

Clair walked up to her parents bedroom and softly knocked on the door. "Stella, do you mind if I come in?" 

"Uh… sure." The human said quietly. 

She opened the door and looked over to the nightstand by the bed. Stella was laying on the human sized bed mom had bought for her. It must have been a really comfy bed because all Stella did was sleep in till noon; in fact, Clair was pretty sure Stella had worn those same pajamas for three days straight now. Rest was important, but was being cooped up in a room was really good for her mental state? 

"Hey Stella, I was just checking in on you." Clair took a seat on the bed. "Do you need anything?"

Stella's gaze drew downward like always. "I'm fine, thank you." 

"How's your leg doing?" 

"Good, the infection is gone now." 

"That's great." Clair smiled. 

Stella just nodded, leaving an awkward silence between the both of them. 

"So…. It's getting close to lunchtime. Are you hungry at all?" 

Stella shrugged. "I guess so." 

"Anything in particular?" 

"Maybe a sandwich." 

"Sure thing, we'll go to the kitchen." Clair stood up and laid her palm out for Stella to come along, but when she noticed the girl hesitate, she slowly pulled her hand away. 

Stella shook her head. "Sorry, but can I just stay in here for now?" 

"Oh…. Of course." 


Clair had never been good with conversations, and it really showed. She was totally blowing this chance to bond with Stella! She glanced over at the tiny human who was trying to eat the pb&j sandwich, but it was falling apart in her hands.

"Sorry, for the way the sandwich came out, I'm not as good at making human sized foods like mom or Jason." 

"I don't mind." Stella reassured. "It's not like it tastes bad." 

"Well, I'm glad I didn't fuck up a pb&j." Clair awkwardly laughed. 
Stella just gave her a pitiful smile. 
Damn, Clair was really bad at this. There had to be something she could talk to Stella about! She racked her brain for literally anything that could keep a conversation going for more than a minute! 

"Clair, do you mind if I ask you something personal?" 

"Not at all." Her attention drew towards the human.

Stella cleared her throat."Your ex-husband…. Did he ever… hit you?" 
Well, Clair didn't expect to be asked that. "No…"

"Oh…" Stella looked away. 

Clair couldn't help but be concerned. She knelt down to be more eye level with Stella. "Why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering." She said meekly. 

"Is there something on your mind?" 

Stella bit her lip, hesitant to answer. 

By this point everyone in this house knew what Stella had gone through, but she had kept the details tight-lipped since coming back, and no one really pressed her on that. If she didn't want to talk about it then she didn't have to, but at the same time, keeping issues to herself would have the opposite effect of healing. 

"You know you can tell me anything." Clair said. 

Stella nodded and took a deep breath. "I was just wondering if someone here went through something similar to me…" 

"I don't need to experience your pain, to sympathize with you." She reassured. 

"Yeah, I know you don't." Stella snapped. "But it's hard to talk about something with people who have never dealt with this pain!" 

"Can you try?" 

Stella shot Clair a glare. "What do you think, I've been doing since I got back?! Every day, I've thought about telling everyone my issues, but I just can't look at any giant in the face without freezing up!" 

"Well, I'm sorry my size scares you so much even though I've tried everything to not scare you!" Clair threw her hands up in frustration, she can't even have a normal conversation without Stella flinching. It was probably best if Clair just left her alone. 

Clair quickly shot up to her full height. But before she turned to leave, she heard a yell. Clair glanced down and saw Stella crouched down with her arms covering her head, she had her eyes squeezed shut. Did she get startled from Clair just standing up? Guilt washed over her, of course it did! She couldn't believe she was so careless, Stella has probably dealt with an angry giant looming over her for years! 

"Oh god, I'm so sorry, Stella!" Clair was about to reach for her but stopped realizing that would only make things worse. "I didn't mean to! Don't worry, I'll leave." 

"Hold on…" Stella hissed out. She began muttering something under her breath, Clair couldn't make out the words at first, but after listening closely, she could hear her saying: "Ed is not here, Mike is not here." Over and over. After a couple of minutes, Stella had calmed down enough to look at Clair. 

"Are you okay?" 

Stella took a shaky breath. "Yeah, Glenda taught me to do a reality check whenever I have a panic attack." 

"I'm sorry to make you go through that, I really should have been careful." 

"It's okay, I know you weren't trying to scare me." 

To think that months ago this girl would have a mental breakdown if a giant even walked past her. But to see her keep herself in check and even somewhat control her panic attacks shows how much she changed. 

"Do you need some space?" 

"Actually, can we watch TV?" Stella asked. "I'm getting tired of being cooped up in here." 

Clair gave Stella a warm smile and laid her palm out. "Of course." 

She let the human take her time getting on her hand, but once she was secured, Clair carefully lifted her up. It could take some time before Stella can get over her past, but Clair just hopes that one day, her friend will never flinch at the hand of a giant again.

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