Saved by a Witcher

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The swamps of Velen are typically a dangerous place for anyone. People go into the swamps but they never leave, which is usually because they get killed by drowners or water hags. While most would call it tragic, you couldn't help but be a little excited when a merchant wagon met its untimely fate. It was like finding hidden treasure outside your home! You knew you had to get to the most recent abandoned wagon. There could be extremely valuable things there! 
You traversed through the foul smelling swamp, your clothes getting caked in mud but you didn't mind so much, all your clothes were always dirty anyways. Maybe there would be better fabric on the wagon but you were really hoping there was better food on there because you grew sick of eating leaves and berries all day. One time, you looted a corpse that had bread, the best part was that it was still slightly warm! Just the thought of that made your mouth water! 
The smell of rotting flesh filled your nostrils as you got close to your destination. There you could see a wooden wagon toppled over on its side. A person laid beneath the wagon, his torso crushed by the weight of it but if that didn't kill him, then the drowners that gnawed on his face and neck probably did it in for him. Another corpse laid face down in the mud, dried blood stained his clothing, and the horse that drove the wagon laid on its side with its belly clawed open and its intestines exposed. You've grown used to seeing these sights all the time, but even you had to admit it was pretty gruesome to look at. Drowners were truly disgusting creatures and if it weren't for the easy loot they provided you wouldn't mind if they all just dropped dead on the spot! But you had to push those thoughts to the side, you came here for a reason and you weren't going to leave until you scavenged every bag and box in that wagon! 
Debris scattered across the ground, but you could see a couple bags resting in the flooded part of the marsh, the water would have gone up to your waist. Wet knickers isn't the most pleasant thing to deal with but if valuable things were hidden in those sacks then why would you pass up the opportunity! So you tread through the murky waters, your feet sunk a little in the mud with each step you took. 
Suddenly, a large wave shot upwards, knocking you back to the shore. You sat up, trying to find the source of that mysterious wave. Then your face grew pale when you saw a tall humanoid figure with scaley blue skin, it was a drowner! How could you be so stupid and forget about their ability to appear out of any body of water?! It peered down at you with it's vacant white eyes, you wasted no time to stumble to your feet and run. But the drowner let out a growl and charged after you and with quick reflexes it snatched you up in it's slimy hand. You thrashed and kicked with all your might, desperately trying to get away but it was futile. The drowner brought you up to its face and stared at you with a murderous hunger. Your heart pounded as you knew your fate was going to be sealed, you closed your eyes as it opened its mouth. 
Before you knew it, the drowner let out an agonizing screech and you felt yourself plummeting, then you smacked into something leathery and pressed firmly in place. You didn't dare move as you knew something bigger and probably more dangerous had you in its hand. 
"Hmm, a borrower?" You heard a gravelly male voice say. 
You shifted up in the now open palm and opened your eyes. A tall white haired man stared down at you with cat-like yellow eyes, a nasty scar ran down his left eye and onto his cheek. You felt the color in your face disappear when you noticed the two swords on his back. He was a witcher! 
You screamed and tried to scramble out of his hands, you heard stories about witchers hunting down borrowers to use their bones to make potions! You had a better chance facing the drowner.
"Whoa now!" He said as he waved in free hand in the air. A white symbol in the shape of a triangle appeared above you, suddenly, your mind felt foggy, but in a calming sense, you didn't feel like trying to get away anymore. 
"Now, why don't you answer a few questions before the axii spell wears off?" 
You had no choice but to nod.
"Why is a borrower living out in a swamp, I thought your kind usually hides in the walls of a human's house?" 
"Most humans don't like us borrowers in their homes. Says we're thievin' cunts, but we'res just trying to survive like e'ry one else!" You explained. 
"So you live out here and loot from bodies that drowners have killed." The witcher remarked. "Gotta say, that's not a bad strategy." 
"Drowners are simple creatures to deal with, they don't go looking for us so long as we lay low. But a whoreson will kill ya for some scraps they weren't even gonna give to their mutts!" 
"Not surprising." 
The effects of the spell were slowly wearing off, and anxiety began creeping up on you. "So… what are you going to do with me?" 
"Good question. My work isn't really free." 
You nervously gulped. "Please Mr. Witcher, I'll do any'ting' so long as you don't grind my bones into a potion." 
The witcher raised his eyebrow. "Relax, there's not a potion that calls for borrower bones."  
"So do witchers not kill borrowers?" 
"Not unless you pose a threat, but I don't think I should be scared of someone that's smaller than my…." The witcher stopped. "But your size may be useful." 
"What is it?" 
"There's a tower on an island nearby that I was investigating, I stumbled upon an entrance I couldn't get into, but I think you're small enough to get underneath the door." 
"I hope you're not referring to Fyke island." 
"So you've heard of the rumors too." 
"That place is haunted!" You shouted. "Please tell me there's another way to repay you." 
"Not unless you have a secret stash of coins in one of these trees nearby." He suggested.
"I don't." You sighed. "I guess I have no choice, fine I'll help you." 
The witcher nodded and strolled off into the direction of the isle. "Don't worry, you'll be safe with me." 
"What's your name anyways?" You asked. "I never caught that."
"Geralt of Rivia." 

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